Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Excellence in digital: 128 scholarships from Google and … – The Messenger

The ‘Made in Italy: Excellence in Digital “expands and seeks new digitizers ready to spread digital skills among businesses. The initiative, which is part of the campaign e-Skills for jobs of the European Commission, was launched yesterday by Google Italy and Unioncamere in 64 Chambers of Commerce.

After the success of the first edition and the high interest shown by the participating companies, the Chamber of Commerce of Florence has decided to relaunch the initiative by expanding the number of scholarships available to you: will be six and will be added to the two initial scholarships, whose work will continue in the coming months, to promote the digitization of Italian SMEs, through specific training and assistance. Throughout Italy over 20 thousand companies were interested in starting their own digital strategy and 1,500 companies have had the opportunity to take advantage of a support with dedicated activities.

“We believe so much in this project we will expand the number of scholarships to be made available – said Leonardo Bassilichi, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence -. This is not a decision made at the table, but a very strong choir came from artisans, small manufacturers, traders I have met personally and that I have described the effects of this important project. Finally, these companies have found the right way to be present on the world market, each according to its own characteristics and needs. The Made in Italy is one of the most coveted symbols and admired in the world, it can not spread and not know it is a mortal sin that our country can not afford. “

On www.eccellenzeindigitale.it and on www .tagliacarne.it notices are available for assignment of new scholarships for undergraduates, graduates and high school graduates can attend a training course on digital and, for a period of nine months, working closely with companies in the territory in which they will work with a view to supporting the digitization, helping them to promote the products of excellence of Made in Italy. Scholarships – Two invitations available, aimed at undergraduates, recent graduates and graduates with expertise in economics, marketing and management and web marketing and with a knowledge of the English language, territory and the economic and social context in which the Chamber of Commerce will stand to operate. The young people selected will receive a scholarship of 9,000 Euros and will go to support businesses by helping them approach the web and to promote the best on the Italian and international markets.

The interest in the made in Italy in the world. According to an analysis conducted with Google Trends in 10 countries, last year the research on the made in Italy carried out on the search engine grew, especially thanks to the use of mobile devices. Searches from smartphones and tablets have registered a double digit growth, up 22% compared to 2013. If the United States and Europe are the areas that have experienced the greatest number of searches, India, Russia, Germany and the United Arab show growth more significant. Fashion is ever more sought category in Europe, the US, Japan, China and the UAE. Tourism is instead the sector experiencing the highest rates of relative growth, especially in Brazil, France, England and China, followed by food and food that record a double-digit growth in Russia, UAE and India. This opens up new opportunities for companies active in these areas.

However, in the face of this ever-growing demand, especially small and medium businesses that use the web to promote and export are still few compared to European average. Several studies show that companies that have an active presence on the web grow more than double those that are not present on the web, create more jobs and export most of those who are not online.

More employment. Not only that, there is a close relationship between the spread of digital and youth employment, as evidenced by the report, “Digital Growth” by Marco Simoni at the London School of Economics, according to which an increase of 10% the spread of the Internet leads to an increase of 1.47 percentage points of youth employment. Yet according to a report of the European Union, by 2020 there will be 900 000 jobs in the EU are not occupied precisely because of the lack of digital skills.

             Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 19:36 – Last Updated: 19:37


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