Friday, November 11, 2016

Facebook is accused of having influenced the vote in the Usa, the answer – Corriere della Sera

is an idea that Is pretty crazy”. This is the response of Mark Zuckerberg, founder and ceo of Facebook, to the controversy on the alleged conditioning of the vote, the american part of the content circulating on the social network. “Voters make decisions on the basis of their experience,” said the 32-year-old to the conference, Techonomy, confirming that the false information on Facebook “are only a small part and not have influenced the election in any way”.

Trump as the Brexit

When he speaks of false news refers to content that is not verified and put into circulation specifically to stimulate in its favor the emotion of the electorate. “Because this mechanism would serve to support only one candidate and not the other?”, we asked Zuck. In reality, the answer there is: (as we have reconstructed here), the campaign of Donald Trump, such as that of Brexit, was based in large part on the proclamations by the strong emotional impact and content is null or does not correspond to reality. “The facts do not work”, admitted the strategists, winning, british.

The information runs on the social

Back to the United States, Twitter bot pro-Trump have produced a huge amount of content seven times more substantial than that to support Clinton. The problem and unbalance, therefore, we are not only in Menlo Park. The doubt, Zuckerberg, whose commitment to eradicate false news, and content picker-click is known, on the actual ability of these mechanisms to influence the electorate is lawful. We know that 62% of americans informed about the social. The strategy adopted by the candidates and the result of the elections are imposing on the reflection on the practical effects of what circulates on the sharing platforms.

News Feed

A crucial aspect is that of the debate between users. If at the time Obama spoke of the first campaign social for the capacity of the outgoing president to use the new instruments, eight years later, the difference is not so much the source of the message, but the mechanisms of exposure to the same. We see only that with which we agree? According to Zuckerberg, is not so: “The research refers to this ndr) tell us that it is not a problem”. Although he rejected the criticism that for the umpteenth time frame the creature as a medium and not only as a technological platform, the number one social network from nearly 1.8 billion users confirmed that he will be ready to review the guidelines of the News Feed in the consideration of newsworthiness.

November 11, 2016 (change the November 11, 2016 | 18:48)



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