Sunday, August 14, 2016

From the mouths of rivers and canals still dangers for the sea: solve the historical problems that are repeated every year – Romagna Journals

Green Schooner, Emilia Romagna

Emilia Romagna . Lights and shadows in monitoring Green Schooner along the Emilia-Romagna coast: on the one hand most of the sampled points do not show particular problems, on the other the usual streams continue to dumping overboard discharges do not properly cleaned, which could compromise the quality of the sea and of those parts of the coast. This is the case of the river Marano Riccione, whose mouth the Legambiente technicians performed a judged “heavily polluted withdrawal”. Certainly it is not new, since the past five years, the pollutant values ​​detected at that point were “outlaws”. Situation of repeated critical also to the beach at the mouth of the Great ditch Pedrera in Rimini, judged to be “polluted”, which necessarily need a timely work to determine the cause. Another sampling of pollutants values ​​above the legal limits – compared to the twelve total made in Emilia-Romagna – finally is at the mouth of the river States in Lido di Dante in Ravenna (for the second consecutive year) which receives a judgment of “polluted . “

Points of particularly significant critical given that occur despite a generally favorable weather conditions, since the presence of polluting discharges that reach the sea, in Emilia-Romagna are found mainly after heavy rain events.

but worry is the rise of crimes against the sea damage that the police and the coast Guard intercepted in the course of 2015 along the regional coastline: an almost double increase over the last year, in practice 5 crimes per every kilometer of coastline. Legambiente then asks regional and municipal administrations to verify the critical situations still present on the front of purification and at the same time to step up controls against those who continue to deface one of the major resources of this area.

This is the budget of the monitoring carried out in Emilia-Romagna by the team technique of Green Schooner, the historic campaign of Legambiente dedicated monitoring and information on the health of the coasts and Italian waters, also thanks to the contribution of COOU, Mandatory Consortium Used Oils andthe sostegnodei technical partners NAU and Novamont. The regional snapshot on coastal waters was presented this morning at a press conference in Marina di Ravenna by Lorenzo Frattini, president of Legambiente Emilia-Romagna and Katiuscia Hero, spokesman for Green Schooner, attended by Rita Carla Ferrari, Arpae – Structure oceanographic Daphne; Gianandrea Baroncini, Councillor for the Environment of the City of Ravenna.

To point the finger at some critical of regional waste water treatment system, it should be remembered, was also the European Union: the new infringement procedure against ‘ Italy (2014/2059) involves, in fact, even ten Emilia-Romagna urban agglomerations, for a total of 696,896 population equivalents, in which were found “anomalies” about the treatment of wastewater. Problems that are not unique to coastal municipalities but also inland.

Although overall the Green Schooner monitoring can be said to be positive – highlights Lorenzo Frattini, president of Legambiente Emilia-Romagna – our attention turns once again to those critical points reported for years that need urgently of serious and thorough inspections aimed at finding and will remove and causes of such pollution, that they are apparently not yet been made. We are definitely in a region that has done so much in terms of treatment and for this, especially during periods of heavy rains, it is no longer tolerable that discharge inadequately purified end up in rivers and at sea as a result unfortunately still occurs. We ask the Region and city agencies to remain vigilant not only in terms of purification, but also sull’avanzare cement along the coast, on the very low intake of sand from rivers become too humanized and lowering due to subsidence: are all issues that confirm in a tangible way the fragility of the coastal area of ​​the region .

But the dangers of the sea and the coast of the region do not just come from poor treatment, as confirmed by the data the file Mare Monstrum of Legambiente. The crimes at sea damage that the police and the Coast Guard intercepted in Emilia-Romagna during 2015 were 655 (a net increase compared with 341 the previous year) with 671 people arrested and prosecuted and 156 seizures. To do the lion’s share of offenses relating to illegal fishing, where the police have discovered 293 offenses (with 247 people reported and arrested and 65 seizures) followed by offenses relating to ill treatment and to wild discharges have been 164 (with 202 people reported kidnappings and 77). To mention, the offenses concerning outlaws navigation: 100 the offenses, with 101 people reported. High even crimes related to cement production, a sector in which were recorded 98 offenses recorded, 121 persons reported and 11 kidnappings.

Also in the concrete theme, continues in the region of the pressure for urbanization free areas, right in the Legambiente dossier is referred to the case of the Comacchio territory, within the regional Park of the Po Delta, the subject of housing and real estate transactions speculation that focus on the coastal strip since the sixties. The result is the presence of about 30 thousand second homes in a municipality that has only 23 thousand inhabitants. The strong interest of construction companies have not met the crisis and today still point to occupy new free areas cement. The Master Plan of the City provides about one million square meters useful still to be built. It should be added that the managing body of the Park, by changing one of its regional plans, with the administration’s placet, the Province of Ferrara and the Emilia Romagna Region, in 2014 prefigured the destination of about 190 hectares of land, on shores of Comacchio, to new accommodation. Decision against which Legambiente is fighting even with appeals to the TAR.

“Stop those who continue to sully our coasts or pollute our sea is no longer just a matter of protecting the environment. The problem purification, above all, in many regions is among the causes of the decrease in tourist numbers and thus is likely to irreparably undermine one of the main resources of this country and the economy connected to it – declares Katiuscia Hero, spokesperson for Green Schooner -. The dossier Mare Monstrum data also show, however, in Emilia-Romagna the important work done last year by investigators and prosecutors that since May last year have at their disposal a new tool, the 68/205 law that puts environmental crimes in Penal Code. Among the offenses provided for in the reform, there are, in fact, pollution offenses and environmental disaster, standards used now to even hit the offenses connected to the waste water treatment sector. A crucial step forward on which we must increasingly synergy between institutions, law enforcement and citizens to detect and denounce polluter. “

Sampling and analysis of Green Schooner were performed by the mobile laboratory Legambiente between 30 and 31 July 2016. the parameters investigated are microbiological (intestinal enterococci, Escherichia coli) and we considered as “polluted” the results that exceed the limits prescribed by the regulations on existing bathing waters in Italy (Decree No. 116 / 2008 and implementing decree of 30 March 2010) and “heavily polluted” those that exceed more than double these values. The points selected were identified by signs not only of Legambiente circles but the citizens themselves through service Sos Schooner.

The monitoring takes into account the sampling of the critical points that are identified primarily on the basis of a ” higher risk “alleged pollution. For this we examine the mouths of rivers, streams, drains and small channels that we often find on our beaches: these situations are the main vehicles for bacterial contamination due to insufficient treatment of municipal wastewater and through the rivers come at sea. It is a timely monitoring that will not replace the official controls and does not purport to assign licenses for bathing, but still returns a snapshot useful for identifying problems and think about solutions.

In addition to the sampling results ” outlaws “mentioned above, other samples taken along the regional coastline have recorded values ​​of pollutants within the limits of the law: in Comacchio (mouth of the waterway, Porto Garibaldi and at the mouth of Logonovo channel); Ravenna (left estuary beach Lamone); Cervia (channel mouth of Cupa Nuovo canal harbor and the mouth); in Cesenatico (south beach of the Tagliata canal mouth); Gatteo a Mare (beach north of the mouth of the river Rubicon); between Bellaria and Igea Marina (south mouth of Uso River beach); Misano Adriatico (mouth of the river Agina).

This year the Consortium for Used Oils Required is the main partner of the summer campaign Legambiente. Active for 32 years, the COOU guarantees the collection of used lubricating oils all over the national territory. Used oil – which is recovered at the end of the life cycle of lubricants in industrial machinery, but also in cars, boats and agricultural vehicles – is a hazardous waste to health and the environment that needs to be disposed of properly: 4 pounds of used oil, the change of a car, if paid in pollute water a large area as six Olympic swimming pools. But the oil used is also an important resource because it can be regenerated back to life in a perspective of circular economy: 90% of the oil collected is classified as suitable for the regeneration for the production of new lubricating bases, a given making Italy the leading country in Europe. “The defense of the environment, in particular the sea and lakes – says the president of COOU, Paolo Tomasi – is a cornerstone of our action. The work of the Consortium with its supply chain not only avoids a potential dispersal of hazardous waste, but turns it into a valuable resource for the country’s economy. “

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