MORE that conspiracy theory of chemtrails has no foundation. To establish the first scientific study conducted by the University of California Irvine, whose results were published in Environmental Research Letters. According to the researchers, these simple chemical and physical phenomena be explained without resorting to conspiracy theories that are periodically also evoked on the Net. The study points out that 17% of the world population instead believed to be the sign of some mysterious government experiment.
the ” evidence ” under observation. the study ” Quantifying the consensus of expert opinion as to the existence of a large-scale atmospheric circulation hidden agenda ” – signed by Christine Shearer , Mick West , Ken Caldeira and Steven J. Davis – saw the participation of 77 scientists divided into two groups: a part of the chemical experts with expertise related to contrails and other geochemical working on atmospheric deposition of pollutants and poor. The researchers were confronted with the claims of those who argue that there is a global-scale conspiracy to spread in the air – for purposes ranging from poisoning the climate engineering population – of various chemical types. “We have submitted their photos and laboratory reports presented as evidence of the existence of chemtrails on several websites, asking if the simplest explanation for what they were seeing was the existence of such a program. Or, if the answer was no, that thought was most likely explanation, “sums up Davis. Specifically, they were shown four photographs of contrails in the sky or generated by aircraft and three laboratory analysis performed on samples of snow, water and particulates. In addition, respondents were asked whether scientists career had seen an increase in the environmental concentrations of strontium, barium and aluminum.
“Of the 77 experts – notes the author of the study -, 76 have found no evidence the existence of a secret program, did not consider that the existence of such a program was the simplest explanation for what we were subjecting them and have proposed explanations based on physical or chemical theories notes “. As to the increase of concentrations in the environment, in six they have talked about increasing the presence of aluminum, in three of barium and strontium in three, attributing them mainly to changes in industrial and agricultural level or natural processes. Results speak for themselves, but difficult to hit that 2.6% of the 3,015 respondents in a recent survey for which the existence of a government program that uses airplanes to spread harmful chemicals in the air is “completely true”, but that could offer insights reflection to 14% who defined “partly true” the same program.
“focus on a secret spraying program, and on a large scale could distract attention from the real problems that need to be addressed” we read in the conclusions of the study by Davis and colleagues, however, where it is stated that it is “reasonable that ordinary citizens ask answers about health, climate change and pollution.” The only expert who said they had found a conspiracy trial spoke of “high levels of air barium in a remote area with a standard barium level in the low ground.” It is not inconceivable that the most quoted passage of the entire publication on sites run by those that Davis calls the “true believers”, end up being just that.
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just Davis, a few days after the publication points out, however, as between the expectations of the team, there is not to change the opinion of those in an already formed. “We are not so naive as to believe that these results will convert true believers”, says the professor of the University of California Irvine, merely highlight the importance of “establishing a credible source of information for those who meet claims related to chemtrails and would like to know the prospect of the experts. “
- Topics:
- chemtrails
- conspiracy
- Starring:
- Christine Shearer
- Mick West
- Ken Caldeira
- Steven J. Davis
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