July 8, 2016
VEGA the primacy of Italian pitcher – Vega , which stands for European Institute of Advanced Generation carrier, is an operating carrier in use by Arianespace, developed jointly by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the European Space Agency (ESA) to the launch into orbit of small satellites.
the Vega, which takes its name from the star in the constellation Lyra, is a single-carrier body, without side boosters, with three stage solid propellant P80, Zefiro 23, Zefiro 9 and a stadium for orbital maneuvers liquid propellant, the AVUM.
the history of Vega, the Italian small launcher
first launch
The first flight of Vega, flight code VV01, originally planned for November of 2010, took place February 13, 2012 from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, carrying nine satellites in orbit, including Italians LARES acronym diLAser Relativity satellite (satellite designed to measure with an accuracy of 1%, the effect lense-Thirring of general relativity,) built with the collaboration of the University La Sapienza, and ALMASat-1, built in engineering Università di Bologna, University of Bologna.
VERTA program
After the first flight of the European Space Agency has waived five rolls, as part of the program VERTA (Vega Research and Technology Accompaniment) aimed at convincing potential users of the carrier’s validity. During these flights, VEGA will lead into orbit four satellites European Space Agency: Proba-V (earth observation), ADM-Aeolus (the study of the atmosphere), LISA Pathfinder (study of gravitational waves) and the Intermediate Experimental Vehicle ( IXV). With our key loads also be launched nanosatellites for educational purposes such as e-st @ r of the Politecnico di Torino. The VERTA program includes a minimum rate of two launches per year, with the aim to demonstrate the VEGA potential for commercial exploitation.
According to launch
the second launch (VERTA first launch of the program), flight code VV02, was carried out at 4 (Italian time) on May 7, 2013, carrying into orbit the satellite Proba-V of ‘ESA, able to perform a comprehensive survey of the vegetation, the first estonian satellite, the estcube-1, and a Vietnamese VNREDSAT the satellite.
Third launch
on April 30, 2014 at 3.35 (Italian time) did the third launch of the carrier, the first launch exclusively commercial. The launch took place from the Centre spatial number 1 platform guyanais in Kourou in French Guiana, the same as for the rockets Ariane 1. With this launch has put a satellite into orbit, the KazEOSat-1, the 900 kg total weight provide multispectral images and pancromia resolution of the entire planet, which will be used for monitoring and mapping of the planet, the support to the management of natural disasters and the pure surveillance of the area.
fourth launch
the fourth launch is regularly occurred on February 11, 2015 and resulted in a sub-orbital trajectory of the European experimental vehicle IXV. During the flight, the fourth stage AVUM entered briefly into orbit and then performed a maneuver de-orbiting as scheduled.
Quinto launch
the fifth launch took place June 23, 2015 at 3:51 Italian time from the Kourou base to put into orbit the European Sentinel 2 satellite belonging to the European program Copernicus (placing in orbit a ten satellites). Task of this satellite is to reveal, for the next seven years, the “colors” of the earth thus controlling the state of health of our planet, with a focus on agricultural areas and forests. The Satellite Sentinel 1A was launched into orbit April 3, 2014 by the Soyuz rocket.
Sesto launch
the sixth launch has always happened in Kourou December 3, 2015 at 04; 04; 00 UTC, to put into orbit the satellite of Airbus LISA Pathfinder which life is planned for a year.
supply Arianespace-ELV
in November 2013 a contract was signed between Arianespace and ELV to supply ten VEGA carriers, which will be launched within three years after the end of VERTA program.
[source: Wikipedia ]
Rome, July 8 – Rome rocket Vega is full of customers. USA, France, Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan and even Japan, On 7 and 8 July 2016 Arianespace and AVIO / ELV in Rome organized the second “VEGA Users’ Day” to bring together all the customers and partners of the European light launcher and take stock of its use and its commercial and institutional success.
Organized at the initiative of Arianespace and AVIO / ELV, the Vega Users’ Day will meet the partners (in particular the agencies, such as ESA, ASI, CNES and industry) , as well as current customers and potential of this light launcher. The presentations will be held in Rome on 7 and 8 July 2016 in the context of workshops and meetings. The event will conclude with a visit to the production facilities of the VEGA launcher in Colleferro.
VEGA is a dell ‘ European Space Agency program (ESA) , financed by Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden. Authority responsible for the planning and the pitcher’s prime contractor is ELV, Italian company owned by AVIO (70%) and by ‘ Italian Space Agency (30%). Arianespace markets and employs this light launcher in addition to Ariane 5 and Soyuz .
Launched for the first time in 2012 at the space center in French Guiana, VEGA already boasts 6 missions with 100% success. These excellent results have been demonstrated across the operational potential of the launcher and its versatility: low orbiting sun-synchronous mission (Sentinel-2A), ballistic mission (IXV) transfer mission in orbit to the Lagrangian L1 point (LISA Pathfinder) . In November 2015, the success of the LISA Pathfinder mission conducted on behalf of ESA scored for VEGA the end of the development phase (called “VERTA,” namely Vega Research and Technology Accompaniment) and the start of its commercial use.
Dedicated in particular Earth observation, Vega has assets of an order backlog of 10 launches, one third of which will be made on behalf of the institutions European and two thirds for foreign customers. In 2016 two missions are planned:
– PeruSAT-1 and SKYSAT for Peru and for the start-up Terra Bella
– Göktürk for Turkey.
the new launcher VEGA C , whose first flight is expected in 2019, will present a significant improvement in performance and load capacity of the satellites (mass and useful volume) than the current pitcher, allowing ‘further diversification of missions and increasing the competitiveness of the service launch.
The commercialization by Arianespace will begin at the end of 2016.
Stéphane Israël , President and General director of Arianespace, said: “With six successful launches and ten missions VEGA program has proved its operational performance and its commercial attractiveness. This meeting, which joins customers and partners, it is essential for the development of the most advanced version of the launcher VEGA C, in 2019, even more competitive and adapted to market needs. ”
Giulio Ranzo , Chief Executive Officer of AVIO said: “VEGA has confirmed to be a very competitive and flexible launcher. This event is an important opportunity to meet potential buyers from all over the world and share with them the latest achievements of our launcher to open the way for future missions. ”
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