From Brazil and Peru, Israel and Algeria, Japan and Kazakhstan, as well as France, Germany, the Netherlands and a long string of European countries: all the Vega court, satellite launchers dall’Avio constructed in the factory of the future in Colleferro. All or most of the clients or potential clients of the rocket to 70% made in Italy find themselves today and tomorrow in Rome at the Westin Excelsior on Via Veneto for Vega User’s Day, the meeting organized by Arianespace and ELV-Avio, which for the first time brought together all the possible users of the European Space Agency’s pitcher (Esa). “This meeting is an opportunity to meet all potential customers from all over the world Mondol,” said the CEO of Avio, Giulio Ranzo. A task that Avio and Arianespace face together, stronger than the pitcher’s competitiveness, noted the President and CEO of Arianespace, Stephane Israel. The meeting in via Veneto has also allowed us to take stock of the Avio future structure that belongs equity fund Cinven English for ’81% and Leonardo (Finmeccanica) for the 14%.
Missing, in fact, only the Americans, but because it will be Vega, along with older brother Ariane, to visit them in the coming months with a road tour in the Silicon Valley in California, where the rest of lives one of the most prominent customers of the Italian rocket : Google, which to map the planet for Terra Bella, its subsidiary companies, also chose Vega to hook into orbit the impressive fleet of 24 satellites Skybox. Google is in good company: already the next 10 Vega launches are full.
Any news on the possibility, by many hoped for given the Vega hits that are coveted by France and Germany, to ensure a future to Avio definitely Italian? The Brexit may affect this scenario?
“Regarding Brexit – said Giulio Ranzo – I do not think for any repercussions on our stories. For the rest we remain optimistic about the future of a company in a highly competitive market, that del’aerospazio, booming . “
And the budgeted IPO?
‘E’ always an attractive option, and to which we look forward, we want to be an option for the company, we will see how to use it in passing. ” Also, he added, “a guarantee of transparency in the institutions and other companies.” Referring then to other European aerospace companies listed remarked: “If, as Avio, we want to be among these companies must have access to capital, we’ll see if the financial market allow. In a market that is going fast – he concluded – we must be strong to react. ” To this, he added, “we can not rely only on public funds, but to combine public and private funds.”
Europe should also also “protect” and “protect” the European market of space launches and “to field a Flight business Act ». He said even Ranzo. “If the European Commission looked at the business should do a Flight Business Act, that is a policy for the protection of the EU market of space launches. The US and China have a strong protection of their markets policy, we Europeans are the only ones not to just fly casual European satellites European launchers. And ‘this is a bit’ absurd. ‘
The cooperation is also the key word for the future of European launchers Ariane and Vega C 6: this is, for the president and CEO of Arianespace, Stephane Israel, the key to face the challenge of international competitiveness with the best cards. “We have a strong responsibility and the only banner under which to move must be that of Europe,” said Israel.
The future is so promising, even the hypothesis of three strong launches Vega annually commissioned by European governments. “De facto European launchers are the first choice for many governments and European institutions, but now it is necessary to consolidate this preference,” noted Israel. “They should do the governments, as well as organizations such as Eumetsat and the European Commission,” he added. The ideal, according to Israel, would formalize preferences so far demonstrated in deeds: “We would like – he added – that was the Esa to push in this direction.” And it is in this sense that will be decisive three rounds ahead after the summer: the first, in late September, with the presentation of the program for implementing the Ariane and Vega 6 C; between October and November there will be the presentation of the Strategy for the space by the European Commission and finally, in December, will be the turn of the ESA Ministerial Conference.
the results of other companies, beginning by the American company SpaceX, which are able to recover the first stage of the launcher Ariane and Vega may trouble?
“Meanwhile, for now – still meets the Director General of Arianespace, Stephane Israel – the first stage was recovered (and not always, ed) but not reused, because reliability and safety are guaranteed. In any case, understanding that has always to be at the forefront, not neglect any new project proposal, it is early to understand the possible savings that the recovery of the first stage may result in the complete course of study, realization and commissioning of launchers to be COMPETITIVE as our “.
Competitiveness for Vega is based even on locked prices: a crucial weapon in the launcher market that sees more and more competitors in the field, however, forced to to deal with the reliability of Vega since its first mission in 2012.
to get an idea of what Vega is competitive, noted Ranzo, just think of the new version, Vega C: “will have 50% more capacity and will be able to bring into orbit, at the same price, a higher load, from 1.5 to 2.3 tonnes. We have also made the most efficient production process, with a modular production. ” To carry more satellites, including miniature ones, Vega will have a special adapter called SSMS (snäll Spacecraft Mission Service), which allow you to attach them to larger satellites and release them on different orbits.
In the future the pitcher European Vega there are in fact even the nano-satellites: miniature satellites, the size of a few centimeters and a weight not exceeding ten pounds, are some of the bets for the future of the rocket built in Italy from Avio.
“That small satellites is a growing market and very promising area for Vega,” noted Israel. From the United States to Japan, the Vega User’s Day there are large manufacturers of satellites, such as Airbus, Thales and OHB for Europe, alongside representatives of space agencies, first of all those of Europe (ESA) and Italian (ASI) , with those of Brazil, Algeria, Sweden. They also participate in the Italian Ministry of Defence and large organizations such as the British Inmarsat (International Maritime Satellite Organization) and OneWeb, that in less than three years intends to bring into orbit 672 satellites to ensure access to the Internet around the world.
The Vega User Day, which continues until tomorrow, Friday, in the capital, was organized with ELV represented by the ad Pierluigi Pirrelli. “Today we promote Vega C for commercial launches,” and one of the objectives is “to prepare the future of the second generation of the European launcher,” stressed Israel. The meetings in Rome, which will conclude with a visit to the production facilities of the Vega of Avio in Colleferro, seen together the partners, in particular the space agencies ESA, ASI, CNES and industry, as well as current and potential customers of light launcher. Vega is an ESA program funded by Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden.
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