Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Xbox One S, comes the new Microsoft console: – The Gazzettino

Xbox One S, the smaller version of the console from Microsoft, will hit stores from 2nd August. To confirm the date, which advanced by one month the previously communicated, is the same company in Redmond. The console is 40% smaller than the previous One, offers playback of movies in 4K, in Hdr and Blu-Ray Ultra Hd.

Among the changes, the lack of port for connecting Kinect, which will therefore need an adapter, be requested to Microsoft for free once the console purchased. At launch Xbox One S will be available in a single version with hard drive 2 terabytes, while those from 500 gigabytes and 1 terabyte will hit stores later.


     Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 11:11 am

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Xbox One S, arrives Microsoft’s new console: smaller and 4K


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