Tuesday, July 26, 2016

U-Earth: in Turin the first areas of pure air – Blasting News

It was carried out in Turin The first trial concerning the creation of zones of clean air . The idea came from Turin Living Labs , but the project is being carried out by U-Earth . Simply put, it was planned to build an area containing clean air inside the Via Corso Svizzera in Turin.

The installation of this system, should be able to greatly improve the quality of life of local citizens.

U-Earth is a company that deals with the purification of the air we breathe. The patented system plays the self-cleansing of the Earth operation. The contaminants in practice are eaten by microorganisms that feed on these and hold nothing harmful. A simple process, however, has called for the intervention of so many engineers for faithful reproduction.

Looking forward to these buildings, they have been installed in the park of Turin of monitor that analyze air quality and update the parameters every 5 minutes. This display is called U-Monitor and points among the many kinds of parameters, particulate matter (PM 1 and PM 2.5), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO ). Subsequently, these data will be analyzed, by performing the statistics of the highest values ​​and average ones, both during the day and at night.

For the air cleaning system is based on three main elements: U -monitor that takes the information present in the circumstances, Aircel that allows you to clean the air attracting the toxic substances with the help of electric charges. Finally what is captured, it is destroyed by U-Ox, a compound of microorganisms that are constantly added in Aircel biological reactors for the correct operation. The external caller will also add water every 5-6 days, since during the process, it tends to evaporate for high temperatures reached.

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