Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lake Bolsena “heavily polluted”. Pollution lake to lake –

schooner bolsena lakes


Lake Bolsena .

“in the lake Bolsena 6 of 7 samples are heavily polluted and lake Bracciano 3 of 5. Still too much pollution from sewage treatment failure in the beautiful lakes of Lazio, we do not judge the overall environmental status but now, organizations and associations must work together to solve the problems that emerged stronger. “

Schooner lake Legambiente – writes – closes the national monitoring campaign. After a few days ago had made public data of Lazio and Viterbo lakes.

Twelve lakes monitored at the national level, 101 points championships, six involved regions. It concludes the 2016 edition of Goletta of lakes, the Legambiente national campaign for the protection of the Italian lakes which this year saw a novelty in the scientific program: the monitoring of microplastics.

The crew Swan Blue, by land and lake, has collected more than 200 samples for laboratory analysis on the presence of faecal bacteria and pollution from microplastics. The campaign started on Sunday 26 June, with the arrival of the technicians on Lake Iseo, and ended Sunday, July 24 on the Trasimeno.

The 2016 edition has once again put to the complaint center of critical situations regarding the presence of discharges and pollution, but not only. Even the lacustrine territories have been involved from the campaign with events regarding the use of land and unsustainable development, especially in sensitive areas such as those of lake ecosystems.

The parameters investigated by the mobile laboratory of the schooner lakes included the search of faecal bacteria with the methodologies specified by the Decree of the Ministry of Health on 30 March 2010, which shows, in particular, the “definition of the criteria for determining the bathing ban” and Legislative Decree 116 of 2008, whose presence is a civil non-purified waste indicator.

the mouths of rivers, streams, discharges in the analyzes of the Schooner lakes are examined and small canals that are along the banks of the lakes, points often reported by citizens through the service SOS Schooner.

the exact sampling carried out by the association does not want to substitute for official controls and does not purport to assign licenses for bathing, but is intended to identify and denounce the non-purified waste that still threaten the ecosystem of the lake and sometimes even the same bathing. Of the 101 locations monitored 39 results are heavily polluted, polluted, and the remaining 12 within the limits of the law: 50% of the samples presented, thus, higher values ​​of fecal bacteria than allowed by current regulations, registering a substantial confirmation of the data collected in previous years.

“the goal of the Schooner lakes – said Rossella Muroni, national president of Legambiente- is put at the center of local and national lakes wondering series national policies and tools for their protection. Also in this edition 2016, we found critical situations regarding the presence of discharges and pollution, but not all. “

The research in England showed that 11 out of 19 points have bacterial charges above the limits.

the technical Legambiente during the campaign have performed the monitoring of the state of quality of the lakes with the intent to put in prominence the critical points.

the goal is to find situations that most threaten the lakes: both the mouths of rivers as the coastlines affected by bacteriological pollution of faecal origin for the presence of illegal dumping or inadequate sewage system.

based on of reports collected throughout the year by both citizens and the local circles Legambiente technicians have identified the points for sampling directly and in real time and take action promptly to the risk of pollution in the water, thus expanding the framework analyzes and strengthening the focus of critical issues.

of these sampling points in Lazio, performed during the weekend of July 14 and 15, there are 11 out of 19 who were “polluted” or “strongly polluted “by the bacterial load in the waters between the analyzes carried out in the lakes of Bolsena, Bracciano, Canterno, Vico and Albano. Highest number of negative situations in Bracciano and Bolsena lakes where the bacterial load was found in most of the points far above the legal limits.

“In the Lake Bracciano – explain the leaders of the schooner lakes – in fact, in a 3 out of 5 points, the water was “heavily polluted”: a Renara Cave in Bracciano, all’incile the Arrone River at Anguillara and the channel at the mouth because of Rena in Trevignano.

on lake Bolsena even 6 points out of 7 have exceeded legal limits resulting “heavily polluted”: Montefiascone at the playground on the lake, to Martha in the beach at the bottom of via Cava, in San Lorenzo Nuovo at the mouth of the bridge and ditch at the channel in locations Renari meadows, in Capodimonte in the beach in via Regina Margherita, in Gradoli in the mouth of the gate trench. Lake Vico a negative result on the two monitors made in Punta del Lago.

On the lake Albano a loss of 3 withdrawals at Via dei Pescatori at Castelgandolfo. Not when adverse criticality by 2 samples taken at Lake Canterno in Ferentino (Fr). Special monitoring was also performed in the lake in Villa Ada where were not bacterial loads but high density of the main nitrite due

A situation of Least Concern.

“Still too much pollution from sewage treatment failure in the beautiful lakes of our region – said Roberto Chess, President of Legambiente Lazio – With these results certainly do not give licenses for bathing and we do not want to judge the overall state of water in the various lakes but, identifying the many critical issues, initiate positive pathways in which governments and citizens to set priorities for the redevelopment, the preservation and revitalization of the beautiful lakes of Lazio and to these we put ourselves first in -sposizione. It starts for example by the launch of many “of the lake contracts” such as comparison tables and resolution of issues voluntary instruments, in which he has a leading role the Lazio Region for the collective expertise especially on the issue of wastewater treatment and the Water protection plan. “

” the main causes of pollution of lakes undoubtedly concern the sewerage and sewage treatment whose benefits remain far removed from the European environmental legislation standards. – Declares Andrea Minutolo, scientific coordinator of Legambiente – To confirm this serious deficit of the treatment system, the European Union has opened to Italy several infringement procedures, and in 2009 proceeded to issue convictions for failure to comply with the Directive European 1991/271 / EEC on the treatment of urban waste water. “

That of bacteria, however, was not the only analysis carried out by Legambiente technicians. In these years the association is pursuing consistently monitoring of marine litter and lake on several fronts: starting with those floating in the sea, through the beached materials until the investigation on microplastics (particles with smaller size of 5 mm) in the waters of the lakes and the Italian seas. What emerges from the Legambiente and monitoring as confirmed by the international scientific community, the plastic is between 80 and 90% of waste dispersed in the marine and coastal environment. While extensive studies have been conducted on the seas, insufficient research exists to inform us on the abundance and the negative effects of microplastics in lake ecosystems.

It is for this reason that, during the 2016 edition of the schooner lakes, Legambiente has decided to conduct firsthand a comprehensive study on the subject. Thanks to a special device called “Manta”, surface water samples were collected in different lakes, using a special ultra-fine mesh net that captures the microparticles. The whole project has the scientific collaboration of Aeneas and the University Ca ‘Foscari of Venice.

In Lazio samplings of microplastics were made thanks to the support of the association Lake Bolsena, the Regional Parks Castelli Romani and Bracciano- Martignano.



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