From tonight, July 5, 2016, Jupiter, the giant of the solar system, has 68 satellites that revolve around one more than yesterday. You Juno, NASA space probe to 5:35 Italian made the delicate maneuver of insertion into orbit after five years travel three billion kilometers traveled. complex and difficult to maneuver, very risky, since Juno, with its more than 3,000 pounds at takeoff, arrived near the beautiful Jupiter speed of 250,000 km / h and only had half an hour to operate, slowing down, so arrive in orbit around the largest planet.
The Juno probe in orbit around Jupiter
a delicate maneuver because the satellite had to go it alone, the current distance of 800 million kilometers in fact imposes an hour of time to get a signal to the probe, no real-time control by short earth. Now waiting for him a series of 37 orbits, in a year or so, where will study the planet and its many tools, including two of the most important are of Italian design and construction. “We’re in, we are in orbit! Jupiter Juno has finally caught after a long five years. All is well in line with expectations. All instruments were turned off during insertion into orbit.
Now we have to wait until July 10 that JIRAM wakes up to give us the final proof that everything is fine ‘, is the message that enthusiastic Alberto Adami has sent us a few minutes after the confirmation of the success of the operation by the NASA control center in Pasadena, where the Italian team of the Institute of Space Astrophysics and Planetology IAPS / INAF. Jram is the tool that is responsible Adami, consisting of a photographic camera and a spectrograph to analyze the atmosphere of Jupiter and study the phenomenon of the impressive northern lights that are formed. Jupiter contains many important secrets for us, with its enormous mass, which amounts to more than that of all the other planets and asteroids that we know put together, is the regulator of the orbits of the inner planets, like Mars, Venus, and our Land.
It is he, with his fearsome gravitational action, keep us in orbit right, not too close to the Sun, too hot , the far nor too cold. It is thought that the planet was formed together with the Sun, to the origins of the solar system, in short racchiuderebbe the secret of the formation of our cosmic condo. A second Italian instrument, developed by the University La Sapienza of Rome, will provide a precise map of the planet’s gravity, to dissolve another question: whether or not there is a solid inner core, which rotates with the planet creates a strong magnetic field we know exist. Now however, hard times await the Juno satellite: will approach very fact the planet, 5000 km, it will be hit by a vortex of very energetic particles and large flows of radiation.
Probably there will be some problems, as it was years ago to another NASA satellite that orbited the planet, Galileo, although the most delicate parts and sensitive to disturbances, such as the on-board computer, are enclosed within a sarcophagus from 200 pounds of metal.
The first four satellites of Jupiter – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto – were discovered by Galileo Galilei January 9, 1610 from his home in Padua, as he used his telescope Approximate which also revolutionized modern science , showing the Earth in its place in the suburbs and not the center of the universe. We hope that other Italians today will help us to understand when and how it is Jupiter formed, and also our beautiful planet, Juno who now see it as a small blue dot dispersed in the sky.
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