Credit: Google
Up in the sky, in millions of kilometers away, wrapped in a thick blanket of clouds, the divine Jupiter hides, hides and conceals his business to us poor mortals who, by the blue Planet, we observe the curious. Jupiter beloved , lover , surrounded by the suffering that the myth handed down to us : the nymph Callisto , the princess Europe , the priestess I , the cupbearer of the gods Ganymede . And we could go on into the night, with the endless list of loves that only the father of the gods can count: astronomers know 67. But it is said that the number of Jovian satellites may increase tomorrow.
Jupiter, careful.
Juno , your jealous Queen Juno , has caught up with you . iron and metal Army, as befits the divine mother of Mars and Vulcan, equipped with all the science that befits a spacecraft, Juno put your orbit at 5:53 this morning. And here, after a journey of 793 million kilometers , now floats at high speed over your thick atmosphere to 5 thousand kilometers altitude.
Who better than a queen, jealous wife who Roman and Greek mythological tradition handed down to us as the only one able to clear the clouds in which it is wrapped the father of the gods, can take a look at all the scientific true nature that hides the mighty Jupiter under the thick atmosphere of clouds with which it shows our telescopes? 37 whirling orbits for learn something more about the origins , Private , the atmosphere and the magnetosphere of the gas giant .
is the Juno Day . Scientists celebrate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and also the world’s most popular search engine is celebrating the arrival of the NASA probe to Jupiter with a Doodle dedicated. For the occasion, the Google team in Mountain View has played his testatina pixels per astrophysics taste: Juno sends the first telemetry of his position and the Earth , with so much delay in receiving signal, a swarm of scientists politically correct (there is also a hipster with bum) makes the jumps for joy.
www / doodles / juno-Reaches-jupiter
to be honest, live worldwide, what we saw were more of manly handshakes among blouses neatly pressed and soft pats on the back. Nothing to do with the irrepressible Andrea Accomazzo dell’accometaggio Philae of 67p / Churyumov Gerasimenko, or with rock’n’roll shirts and tattoos of Matt Taylor. But you know, are Americans.
Made in Italy However, the two scientific instruments on board : JIRAM and KaT . The first is the InfraRed Jovian Auroral Mapper, one imaging spectrometer funded by ASI, made by Finmeccanica and operated under the scientific responsibility of INAF-Institute for Astrophysics and Space Planetology in Rome in the person of Alberto Adriani . JIRAM investigations take place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter’s going to hunt methane, water vapor, ammonia, phosphine, and will provide images of spectacular auroras infinite that “decorate” the poles of Jupiter. The other tool is Italian Ka-Band Translator, one radioscience tool designed by the University La Sapienza of Rome and Thales Alenia Space Italy always with the ASI support. In reality there is also the Italian trim sensor Autonomous Star Tracker, built by Leonardo-Finmeccanica and that you will need to probe to maintain the broken orbit the giant planet.
source: Media INAF | Written by David Coero Borga
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