Thursday, July 23, 2015

There ‘another Earth in space has its own sun, and perhaps life – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

C and another Earth in space has its own sun, and maybe life 21:12 July 23, 2015

(AGI) – Miami, 23 July – “It ‘something that people have dreamed for thousands of years.” And ‘the NASA to pull out a hyperbolic statement to announce the sensational discovery made by Kepler telescope : Is there another Earth, orbiting a sun and not just ‘except that they’ may be no other life.

The planet, named Kepler 452b , and ‘almost the same size as the Earth is in the Goldilocks zone, or “living area” of a star system -where, ie ‘The life and’ possible ’cause there’ s too hot or too cold for the presence of water-and the star around which orbit resembles a cousin older than our sun.

space : all the news in the Archives – Agi

From this point of view, they said NASA scientists, the planet, 1400 years distant light, can ‘offer a glimpse of knowledge about the future of the Earth.
One year on “Earth 2.0″ lasts 385 days, with a similar alternation of day and night. And ‘one of the details disclosed during a press conference at NASA, during which and’ was announced the discovery dell’esopianeta Kepler 452b.

“Today the Earth and ‘a little’ less alone” , announced the US space agency researcher, Jon Jenkins. The distance from its sun, much like that of the Earth, means ‘that could harbor life, scientists explain.
Planet “has spent so’ long orbiting in the same area, 6 billion years, more ‘long-Earth “.

So” has had ample time to host life “and” what’ offers all the ingredients and the conditions for the existence of life, added Jenkins. The “Earth 2.0″ and ’60 percent more’ big “cousin” known and is located in the constellation Cygnus.


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