Thursday, July 23, 2015

Kepler 452b, astrophysicists: “That’s how it will be the end of the Earth” – The Messenger

It ‘s the older twin sister of the Earth, I discovered the Kepler space telescope NASA. But it’s probably the end of his life because his star is heating up more and more …
The planet is called Kepler 452b and has a diameter of about one and a half times that of the Earth. But there is more: it is to orbit a star similar to the Sun extraordinarily. The uniqueness of the discovery does not stop there because the distance between the planet and parent star coincides with the one that separates the Earth from the sun.


 Several years ago, the discovery of Earth-like planets are followed. NASA has accustomed to sensational announcements that then, over time, had gone flat. No doubt the discovery is important, but adds little to what was known until now.


 Giovanna Tinetti is Italian. For several years he worked as a professor of astrophysics at the Royal Society of London. His field of study is precisely the exoplanets and a few months ago, the University of Rome, has been a speaker at a seminar dedicated to just this topic.

 “Estimates Current statistics indicate says-that, on average, every star in our galaxy is home to at least one planetary companion, that our Milky Way is crowded with a hundred billion planets! And the most revolutionary aspect of this young industry is discovering that the Solar System does not seem to be the paradigm of our Galaxy, but rather one of many possible configurations we’re seeing out there. ” Translated into simpler words means that the solar system is a rare phenomenon in the universe, in the sense that planetary systems around a star host, typically, a few planets.



 “Although he has completed the acquisition of scientific data now for a couple of years, the Kepler mission continues to reserve exciting new surprises.” So says Alexander Sozzetti , researcher INAF Astronomical Observatory of Turin. “Among the candidates transiting planets discovered since the last data analysis mission continuously, Kepler-452b is not only the right distance, but it was finally identified around a star very close characteristics as our sun.”


 The work of NASA scientists, who for four years analyzing the data of the Kepler space telescope, are truly amazing. And now the new catalog of exoplanets are added another 500 in addition to the 4,175 already found by the probe.

At the top of the list are twelve candidates, and among these, Kepler 452b, is the first to be confirmed more like our planet. Or rather, how was our planet.

 It is located at a distance of 1,400 light years and revolves around a star in the constellation Cygnus, whose characteristics are very similar to our Sun


 “Kepler 452b brings us one step closer to understanding how many habitable planets are in the cosmos – he said Joseph Twicken , the Seti Institute-. For years we study and seek other candidates and eventually I am convinced that we will find worlds like our own. Kepler 452 b is an excellent candidate, but compared to our Earth, its age is much more advanced. “


 Sure is the ideal candidate, but its features seem to tell us, at least for now, that it is a “twin” elder. Much older. Which revolves around the star is older than our Sun, has about one billion and a half more years. So in a much later stage. And the question that arises is that fateful: Once host life? no answer. For now, the question remains shrouded in mystery.


 “Kepler-452b is not only the right distance, but it was finally identified around a star very close characteristics as our Sun replies yet Sozzetti dell’Inaf-. In terms of resemblance to our Earth, Kepler-452b beats another competitor: Kepler-22b, the first ‘twin’ of our planet discovered by NASA four years ago. But the actual measurement of the mass of Kepler-452b cartridges that contain activators a goal not easy to do! It will require technological innovations to push the accuracy of the measurements beyond the limits of today. Additional benefits will come in the future decade of the detectability of transiting planets like Kepler-452b but around the brightest stars and closer to the Sun than those observed by Kepler, which is provided by Plato ESA mission, to be launched expected in 2024 “.

             Thursday, July 23, 2015, 19:52 – Last Updated: July 24, 1:32


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