Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Amazon opens first super without speakers or cashiers| – Corriere della Sera

The "strip" of the smartphone to the turnstiles of the entrance. The activation context of the application, AmazonGo is first downloaded. The choice of products: drinks, sandwiches, vegetables, sausages, toys, wine. Everything in the bag. The exit from the supermarket. Without any human interaction. Without any bar code. Without any queuing at the checkout. Without even the presence of one scaffalista. Of a sales representative.

Welcome to the era of the supermarket without jobs. The feeling, judging by the videos from two days spread from the giant e-commerce, led by Jeff Bezos, is that we are entering a new era. Based on an impressive number of sensors and cameras. Are between the shelves and on the products. By artificial intelligence algorithms and image recognition to identify what is doing the customer. In real-time. The items taken. The ones returned because they are too dear. Finally, the bill directly debited to the personal profile of the user of AmazonGo, who will have access to the data of our credit card or account Paypal.

Jeff Bezos is betting firmly on the large-scale distribution. Just think of Amazon Prime Now, and Amazon Fresh, the delivery is an hour of food items already present in different cities around the world, including Milan. But the leap in technology that could lead to AmazonGo risks terremotare the industry world of the great distribution. If the model were to be replicated by the competition, how many would be the jobs disappear?

l time AmazonGo to be tested in a single point of sale in Seattle, the birthplace of the Amazon, and is destined now only for employees of the group. More: the shopping experience is almost completely automated, will enable the marketing department to Amazon that you are aware of an impressive amount of data of the customers. His habits, his preferences, his mode of purchase.

The business ambitions of Amazon does not end here. As the will of the company to Bezos, to extend the types of articles treated areas to date not attended online as the cars of Fiat-Chrysler. And this is not only a supermarket in Seattle: over Amazon Go, the company would be ready to open and operate more than 2,000 stores (supermarket and convenience store) on the whole territory of the Usa.

December 7, 2016 (change on 7 December 2016 | 17:14)



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