Facebook handles “trend” news with a special rather than through an algorithm team. The much-vaunted neutrality of the most popular social network in the world would not be so truthful. He unveiled the Guardian , came into possession of an internal document that would prove how the selection of the news read by hundreds of millions of users longer is an “editorial” intervention by algorithms. Behind the “Trends” active in the countries that use Facebook in English – and at an experimental stage in the Hispanic and Portuguese – is the intervention of a dedicated team of a dozen people who select topics “hot” places in evidence at the top right of the home page.
in the 21-page document received by the British newspaper the guidelines are described that the recruiters team news to follow. First Menlo Park has denied the existence of a human filter, then implicitly acknowledged spreading a thicker document (28 pages) and reiterated that yes, the team exists, via a post of Vice President J ustin Osofsky . In short, always claimed neutrality by Facebook (read, click and share) would not exist, at least in English-speaking countries, there is a special team to address the information deemed most appetizing with all that implies in terms of self-promotion and the failure to disclose a news perhaps much shared and read it “unwelcome” to the guidelines of the social network. Including, apparently, there are mainly reports of conservative character.
The handbook for the team delivered to Guardian also contains a list of useful sources to decide whether a news can be held of tendency or less. Before the scandal, the same Osofsky has expanded this list – which included CNN, BBC, Fox, NBC, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, BuzzFeed, The Washington Post and, ironically, the Guardian – more than a thousand sites worldwide. Among Italians also appears ilfattoquotidiano.it along with Fanpage.it and to sites Rai, Mediaset, Courier , Republic , BBC , Free , Msn, Sky, Tiscali and Virgil. With the passing of the hours and the mount of the event, also spoke at Marc Zuckerberg . According to the founder of Facebook, the guidelines have utility because they avoid “that some views have priority over other” but did not rule out that human intervention has ditched or promoted some news that would have been among the trending topics, in particular some attributable to the conservative: “We will open an investigation to make sure that the team has ensured a healthy product – said the CEO of the social network – in the coming weeks will invite conservative leaders and other people of various orientations to understand their point of view and to understand how Facebook can remain as open as possible. “
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