Monday, October 5, 2015

The alarm of the WWF: “The pollution threatens one-third of the natural World Heritage” – TGCOM


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– Almost a third (31%) of the natural World Heritage sites in danger of disappearing because of pollution and deforestation caused from exploring for oil, gas and minerals. The warning is a new WWF report , extending the threat to 70 669 protected reserves around the world, ranging from national parks to coral reefs. The greatest danger is in the areas of developing countries.

From the National Park Virunga Congo that’s Lake Malawi , up to one of the largest wildlife parks worldwide, the Selous Reserve in Tanzania : 25 to 41 World Heritage natural ones are threatened (61%) from activities or concessions for the extraction. In Asia, the problem is in 24 sites to 70 (34%), while in Latin America and the Caribbean 13 of 41 (31%).

The situation in the West – The situation It is less severe in the West: in Europe and North America are in danger seven sites on 71 (10%). Among these, the Donana National Park , located in the estuary of the river Guadalquivir, southern Spain, one of the most important wetlands in Europe for the unique biodiversity that is home.

A global threat – “The natural World Heritage sites, which cover less than 1% of the planet’s surface and have exceptional value in terms of species and landscapes, run an increased risk of exploitation and irreparable damage, which in turn damages the communities dependent on these places for subsistence “, warns WWF. The threat’s interesting some of the rarest species on Earth , as the mountain gorillas and African elephants, snow leopards, whales and sea turtles.





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