– Hazardous chemicals and persistent, also used in the production of outdoor clothing, leave traces dangerous even in the most remote places in the mountains and seemingly untouched land. This was revealed by the Greenpeace report called “Footprints in the snow.” The greatest concentrations of perfluorocarbons (PFCs) have been found in the lake of Pilate Sibilla hills between Umbria and Marche, but also in the High Tatras, Slovakia, and the Alps, the Swiss National Park.

The substances called perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are chemical compounds used in various industrial processes and cause permanent damage to the environment and health. Between May and June, eight teams of activists of Greenpeace have undertaken expeditions in many mountain areas of three continents to take samples of water and snow. In addition to Italy and Switzerland, other expeditions have been completed in the Chilean Patagonia, China, Russia, Turkey and the Scandinavian countries.
“We found traces of PFCs in snow samples collected in all locations investigated, “says Giuseppe Hungarian, responsible for the campaign against the pollution of Greenpeace Italy. “Of 17 compounds found in all samples analyzed snow , a 4 showed the highest concentrations in the samples of the lake of Pilate, including perfluorooctane sulfonate already subject to restrictions under the Stockholm Convention “.
” The outdoor sector – says Greenpeace – use them waterproof and stain-resistant finishes. Once released into the environment degrade very slowly, remaining in their original form for several years and dispersing throughout the globe”. Some Pfc continues the organization, can cause damage to the reproductive system and hormonal , promote the growth of cancer cells and are suspected mutagens.
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