Sunday, September 20, 2015

Microsoft, Cortana will not work: fool live for the CEO Satya Nadella – News24web


microsoft windows 10 The combination Men and machine is a constant of our day at work, but the ‘” harmony “remains still a lot to improve. The proof is what happened at the convention in San Francisco when the CEO Satya Nadella to illustrate the wonders of Windows 10 has decided to use another miracle of technology: ie ” Cortana “personal assistant Windows . Nadella then posed a question to the server computer voice: “Tell me the most risky operations.” But Cortana apparently did not intend to question the good if immediately launched a search on Google on the milk. Satya Nadella however, has not lost his nerve and three times he tried to repeat the question but Cortana has not wanted to just know. So it was a pretty fool live for the CEO of Microsoft. The new Microsoft operating system, Windows 10 is making record one boom download. In particular, one of the innovations that characterized the launch of the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system is just Cortana, the voice assistant that can answer questions by starting research on the internet. In the case of the CEO in San Francisco obviously something went wrong.

In short, over the machines on humans, a theme dear to a certain filmography fiction and apocalyptic scenario appears really hard to believe, if not for the ‘precisely in any genre.

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Among the first to be involved in the draft, he began his active involvement in March 2014. He currently holds the position of writers. He writes mostly news in Italy, drawing on local and institutional sources.


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