Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Recas, in Bari on computers worth 13 thousand – The Republic

OUT burns Acheron, inside take a cold also a penguin. Outside patios are controversies about the South that would not be able to spend the money properly European, inside there is proof to the contrary. Welcome recas of Bari, the super computer built in record time by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”.

The project recas (Network Computing for SuperB and other applications) It was financed with own funds of Europe. The 13.7 million euro needed came from the National Operational Programme for Research and Competitiveness for the Convergence Regions (Apulia, Calabria, Sicily and Campania). This beautiful colored building, which still smells new, it’s quite a punch in the eye of the controversy on the south complainer. The recas of Bari is one of the most important Italian public infrastructure for calculation and data storage.

Recas, in Bari on computers worth 13 thousand

recas has a computing power equivalent at 13,000 computer, a memory capacity of over 6,000 terabytes and can exchange data with the outside at a speed exceeding 10 Gbit / sec. It is integrated in the e-Infrastructure national and supranational: Italian Grid Infrastructure (IGI), the Worldwide LHC compunting GRID (WLGC), the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) and EGI Federated Cloud.

Data Center recas of Bari has been designed and built to provide the computational resources for large scientific experiments of subnuclear physics or astrophysics, with data from the CERN laboratories and satellites, is to perform the calculations for high-performance community researchers – biologists, doctors, engineers, geologists – that require enormous computing resources.

Besides the Center for Scientific Computing of Bari, forerunner of Recas, was used for the research of the physical subnuclear Bari who have contributed to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. Even the next great challenges of fundamental physics, especially with experiments at CERN labs, they will see the Data Center recas operate at full capacity for the analysis and storage of huge amounts of experimental data that will be produced.

Our visit was conducted by the teachers Roberto Bellotti (Department of Physics “M. Merlin”, University of Bari and INFN, coordinator of the School of Medical Physics University and head of Project Prism) Giorgio Maggi (Department of Physics “M. Merlin”, Politecnico di Bari and INFN) and Vincenzo Thorny (National Institute of Nuclear Physics).

Recas, in Bari on computers worth 13 thousand

The building has eight hundred square meters two floors. The top one houses the offices, while the ground floor are arranged devices: servers, IBM System Storage TS3500 tape library, UPS for power, central switches Huawei CloudEngine 12812, firewall, refrigeration systems, etc., enveloped by clouds of optical fiber and surrounded by thousands of flashing lights that prove the business going. Outside there is an auxiliary diesel generator, able to compensate for the lack of electric power even for long periods. The farm is never day or night, the super computer works for everyone regardless of time zones and borders.

The Data Center recas Bari – and this is big news – not only do research basis, it is also supporting businesses and public administrations. The Regional Agency Puglia for the environment, for example, is part of the supercomputer for weather forecasts of Taranto, to identify in advance the days when the wind blows towards the city and thus to reduce the production of the big industries, such as It expects the plan to restructure the air quality of the Drums neighborhood, located close to Ilva. The next step will be the analysis and management of Big Data by public bodies. Bureaucracy permitting, that when it gets in the way is the most annoying of Acheron.

(*) Tom’s Hardware


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