Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Italian glaciers put to the test by the abnormal heat – Emerge the Future

Almost by definition, the cold tends to conserve organic tissues and natural elements, while the hot, on the contrary, brings with it the wear of the same structures, which implies that, as far as we can love the summer, towards the end of September we are to be in need of refreshing and slightly worn out by the long session of sultriness.

are no exception glaciers of Val d’Aosta whose summer results in a slow and gradual dissolution culminate , generally, in a substantial erosion Settembrina and the resulting need for a break from the heat , necessary for recomposition of icy ponds.


The tidal wave of oppressive heat that hit Italy in this strange month of July 2015 , however, was so intense and unexpected that the main glaciers valdaostani are right now, at the beginning of August, to the suffer the agony of typical late September , with the result of a natural process that has occurred with two months in advance on his usual “due date.”

The warning were the experts belonging to the association Mountain Secure that, during a wide patrol on mountain slopes of Val d’Aosta, could see that the glaciers already tended to the dissolution and liquefaction phenomenon that had never been expressed in human memory, in mid-summer just begun.

The survey conducted by Mountain Secure examined the glaciers of Petit Grapillon, Mont Blanc, the Rutor, La Thuile and the two main glaciers of Gran Paradiso (Grand Vallon and Timorion) , discovering the alarming conditions identical to wear.

premature melting of glaciers examined it puts a strain on their survival and portends the coming of a ‘ difficult year for the mountain ranges of the Aosta Valley going to upset the natural balance that includes a snow accumulation during the winter season and a slow dissolution of water ice in summer ; balance rule for thousands of years the composition of our tops most valuable.

Unless an unusually mild August, seems therefore that summer 2015 is bound to put a strain not only our strength in the face of heat and climatic changes, but the same natural elements that make up the scenario of our action, waiting for the cold comes to restore that ancient balance regulating through a process of preservation, almost by definition.


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