Friday, July 10, 2015

Hacking team, in emails circulated by Wikileaks political and intelligence – The Messenger

Hundreds of names of politicians – from Matteo Renzi Silvio Berlusconi – of institutions, by the secret services of the police, the Guardia di Finanza the Carabinieri, occur in the company’s internal email Hacking Team, common online by Wikileaks.
Already in 2011 Julian Assange had entered the HT among the companies working in the field of espionage. And today has published more than a million communications of what he calls “the controversial company of global surveillance.” Recurs several times the name of the Prime Minister – as well as that of Berlusconi and many other politicians – in a series of emails that give account of current news policy. Much attention is naturally given to cybersecurity and emerge even exchanges of visits in Sudan, one of the non-democratic states which – according to the indictment of several activists – Hacking Team would sell its spy software. “The activities to be carried out – according to an email on Sudan – will: give a follow up to the training done here (which was pretty much basic), giving continuity to the techniques of attack and finally also check the status of the system in the light of migration we were doing and to check the level of security (firewall, etc.). “

But the company also looks forward to another nation at high risk, Libya. In an email last May 25 HT men talk about the possibility of doing business in Libya. “For Libya – says one of the group – are skeptical, is a failed state, we can ask for authorization but really do not know if it is a country back list. Maybe you begin to inform him on the documentation that must be stopped by the CUSTOMER GOVERNMENT for our sales? Then we can proceed, the most of Libya is in the blacklist and not sell. The Italian government decides, the Italian Government has the best intelligence that we can and must draw for authorization, it is the law. “


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