Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What we are trying with the probe Juno orbit of the planet Jupiter – The Gazette

NASA warms up to tighten the circle of possible candidates that could accommodate other life forms in space


As expected (or at least blessed holy classical physics) the probe Juno – launched in 2011 – has reached the planet in our solar system more fat again boosting NASA to space exploration with the intensive program New Frontiers. The New Frontiers program led in July 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft within walking distance of Pluto after a journey of nearly nine years managing to send Ultra HD images of the most insignificant planet in the solar ones. Now, a year later, it’s up to the Juno probe equipped with expensive solar panels: you just set of specific orbit around Jupiter trying to do better than other probes – even expensive ones. New Frontiers in the future – unless denials – is expected to reach an asteroid with another probe, this time to a later date. But why NASA sends back a probe on Sumo wrestler of the solar system? What will be so interesting? Because back in the limelight?

RELATED We are not asking for the moon Discovery: on Mars there is global warming. It will blame the Martians? Have you noticed that, with almost weekly basis, you hear the news of the discovery of an exoplanet? An exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star other than our Sun, of course. Since 1988 it more than 3,000 on average you think that there should be at least one planet per star have been identified. What if we took 5 stars similar to our Sun should be at least one “small planet blue” can accommodate a “climate” as the Earth. Discover an exoplanet is not easy given the distance and given the brightness in comparison with the stars: a planet is a planet. Are the stars that shine more. If a mosquito is appoggiasse right sull’abbagliante a car could not be seen 20 kilometers away. And if the mosquito do not ever pass in front of the car’s headlight? With incredible calculations and expectations unnerving somehow they manage to “observe” indirectly extrasolar planets. Measuring the masses and in many cases the chemical compositions. Then comes 1995 and it turns out the first planet “hot Jupiter” (in English sounds better, “hot jupiter”). It was baptized 51 Pegasi b. Revolves around its star like a madman: in 4 Earth days ago what the land uses in 365. The “hot” refers to the high temperature of these objects for which nature has been really unlucky. They are called Jovian because the main features are very reminiscent of the planet thoroughly studied by Galileo. And since there are so many (and not just hot, mind you) NASA needs to observe Jupiter that I may not secrets.

And do not forget that a planet like Jupiter was essential: his attraction gravity dominates on all other planets doing by “shield” for our little Earth. Asteroids and comets will be more inclined to go to slam on Jupiter instead of creating beautiful science fiction screenplays for Hollywood films. The extrasolar planets have a small flaw: they are at very great distances from us. The stakanoviste probes of the 70 ‘and 80′ (Voyager and Pioneer) are now leaving our solar system. The Pioneer 10 seems to be directed to the principal star of Taurus – Aldebaran – and the actual speed could see her up close from 2 billion years. Understand well as the relative distance between the stars is a big deal. Many of the probes sent by NASA are no longer active and faring badly in the cold and in the dark: some of the lead plates with drawings, photos and writings in different languages ​​because you never know. Over these distances traveling with men (or women) on board ships it becomes impractical. To date, the longest stay in space in a single mission was to Poliakov, Russian astronaut in orbit for 438 days aboard the Russian space station MIR between 1994 and 1995. Poliakov – like Bullock in “Gravity” – after his landing in Kazakhstan 22 March 1995 was able to walk independently. Few steps mind you, but after 14 months in the absence of gravity do not throw anything away. Well, in adrenaline overdose it seems that his first words were: “We can go to Mars.” Jupiter is a hundred thousand times less hospitable Mars, even it would be impossible even to walk on foot on the surface. Let us be satisfied – for now – of automatic probes as Juno; yes she has finally found a mythological companion worthy of the name: complete its mission after forty orbits. In February of 2018 – if everything goes as it should – full of sophisticated instrumentation in part made in Italy will fall on the surface of Jupiter. And who knows, maybe in the rigors it will pull with your hands in 2046 the World Cup of Soccer will be the first held on Jupiter and since you can not dance on the spot (for gravity). Jupiter has many secrets concerning the formation of a solar system like ours and NASA warms up to tighten the circle of possible candidates that could accommodate other forms life in space. In “Contact” the beautiful Ellie (Jodie Foster) says to a child audience: “if we had only us, it would be a waste of space … right?”. As a child a bit ‘grown up, I try to respond by paraphrasing Eugenio Montale: “All the planets bring written further.”


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