Friday, July 8, 2016

Messenger, more privacy in chat: Facebook head encryption end-to-end – The Republic

PRESTO conversations on Facebook, if desired, can only be read from a single device. No longer the same time on smartphones, tablets and PCs. In this direction we have started the first encryption test end-to-end, to ensure more privacy and security for users of the platform. This was announced by the staff of Menlo Park, making it clear that the ” when the secret conversations are available on a limited basis, but will be made available to a greater extent this summer. During this test, – reads the document – will gather feedback on functionality, it will measure the performance and tools will be introduced to allow the reporting of the contents ”.

An important step for the company which has the largest family the world (over 1.5 billion monthly active users, ie 38% of the online population) who, after the function on WhatsApp cousin (and Viber) activated seen in recent months, has decided to engage the gear to provide the possibility of exchanging secret conversations even in the ecosystem Mr. Zuckerberg. Posts to which he would not even have access to the same company. A need born in the post Snowden to fine-shelter data online, can fall prey to hackers and then more and more inquiries from the authorities, as seen for the iPhone case with the San Bernardino terrorist (Usa ) released by the FBI. Crushed between these two fronts, the big Silicon Valley, they run away with features that provide consumers with greater secrecy, bringing up the most sensitive topics. ” We understand from you that sometimes we want more guarantees – writes Facebook – when it comes to private information such as a disease or a health problem with trusted friends and family, or sending financial information to an accounting ” .

a few months ago WhatsApp was blocked in Brazil for failing to spread the contents of messages exchanged between defendants in a trial for drug trafficking. “People expect that their messages are safe and we put them in first place in everything we do – says Messenger – this is another example. We give users the control on sending their messages along with calls already benefit of strong security systems.

the new option will allow, among other things, to set a timer to control the time period during which each message will remain visible in the conversation. The encrypted chat, however, will not be able to support GIF and video. The new feature is being tested based on the Signal Protocol developed by the Open Whisper Systems, the same technology used for encrypted messages on WhatsApp and Google to provide users with the incognito mode with chat Allo.


social Network
In Google
secret messages
mark zuckerberg

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