Monday, July 4, 2016

Astronomy, waiting for Juno from VLT spectacular shots of Jupiter –

The meeting will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, July 5, at 5.35 am (Italian time). If as expected it will be captured by the gravity of the planet , Juno will study it for the next eighteen months. Jupiter is indeed a planet still mysterious, which with its mass has influenced the history and structure of our planetary system.

certainly is not a If NASA has chosen today’s date to complete a journey that started almost five years ago, while the United States will celebrate independence day with the usual festivities based fireworks, to several hundred million of kilometers space agency scientists will produce a different kind of “barrels.”

the plaque dedicated to Galileo Galilei traveling aboard the probe Juno .

Whether for Juno that, even more so, for ExoMars is then reminded of the importance of Italy’s participation in that actually delivers “eyes” and “glasses” for the missions.

In this sense, the name chosen for the sensor is very appropriate: Juno , or Juno, was a Roman deity, as well as the wife of Jupiter .

once entered orbit of Jupiter , Juno will approach the upper clouds of planet every 14 days, culminating with the mission in February 2018.

at the scientific mission has also collaborated Adi, the ‘Italian Space Agency, providing “two instruments: the spectrometer infrared image JIRAM (infraRed Jovian Auroral Mapper, PI Alberto Adriani IAPS-INAF, realized by the Avionics Division of Leonardo- Finmeccanica) and radioscience KaT tool ( Ka-Band Translator , PI Luciano Iess of the University ‘La Sapienza’ from Rome , built by Thales Alenia Space-I) It represents the portion of the experiment in the Ka-band of gravity “. Observe it with the precise equipment “can help us understand how we were formed planets at first” and provide a “recipe for how to make a solar system,” said Scott Bolton , principal investigator of Juno in the San Antonio Center. Italian, finally, even the trim sensor Autonomous Star Tracker, built by Leonardo-Finmeccanica: after having guided towards Jupiter , the sensor will enable Juno to stay the course in ‘orbit of planet giant.

How to explain the portrait ESO infrared Jupiter has been achieved through a technique known as “ lucky imaginig “(images lucky): Vizier contains very short bursts of exposure Jupiter , from which are selected only the best (those less affected by atmospheric turbulence), then aligned and combined to produce the final images.


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