Monday, June 13, 2016

Meet World Free Day, vegetarian for a day or for a lifetime? –

Today is battling carnivores, but the consumption of meat without control: it was calculated that avoid it for one meal Water savings necessary to the survival of 9 people

 red Meat evidence

If you think of proposing a carnivore avoid meat sauce and sliced ​​for a day – today, the whole world celebrates the world Meat Free day – I think the most likely reaction would be to be ordered a Florentine lunch break. This is because we like to provoke, we find it wise, especially on an issue that concerns the food, which is almost a part of our personality.

In Italy then: here six Venetian or Bolognese depending on what you eat , and then you know that the war between vegetarians and carnivores is supplanting the political spectrum than once. Yet, as is the case for the environment, even food has, or should have, no ideological, if we rely on the numbers and think about what it means to eliminate meat for one day a year, or a week, or when we want .

There has taught reducetarianesimo: eliminate meat (and thus take sides ideologically on the issue) is not necessary. You can (and should) continue to eat meat and meat products if we like and / or are part of the culture, but with the knowledge of what this means, from an environmental point of view, nutritional, and ethical, and thus reduce the amount.

a little ‘as we learned to do with sweets and cigarettes.

Just for this purpose the World Meat Free Day website has a meter that measures your contribution (or your family, or school) in environmental terms if you decide to join the initiative. For example, only one meal in less than a meat base is calculated can save the water necessary to the survival of 9 people , and emissions of a teapot boiling 388 times. But it also means spare 11 g of animal fat (an amount equal to two good tablespoons butter) and about 90 calories.

Easy to see why the same choice, made by a company of 500 people, would save the equivalent carbon dioxide at 6 roundtrip flights London-Zurich . Crazy right?

According to the survey conducted for this day to My Plate, My Planet concept has already reached the young people between 16 and 24 is chosen more and more often to reduce the consumption of meat, and it is sensitive to the origin and sustainability of the industry (at least in the UK). 48% of that age group limits the meat for environmental and health conscious reasons, already legitimized by popular outlet World Health Organization’s position against the red and processed meats.

If it is really true that young people are more sensitive and limit consumption, become aware of our impact is crucial today in light of the fact that, in general, the consumption of meat is however greatly increased in all developed countries, only on us as much as 190 % over the past 50 years.

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