Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Gravitational waves, detected a new signal here is the breath of the universe – Il Sole 24 Ore

Again was recorded on shaky breath of the universe. Two blacks holes, distant from us 1.4 billion light years, have long turned around each other, closer and faster and faster, until they are fused together. Their message, a gravitational wave, was collected by physicists working on LIGO project last December 26, 2015: the scientific work was published today.
Were observed, one might say heard, while maintaining the last 27 laps of what we might think of as a cosmic dance, from which, with the merger, has unleashed tremendous energy. In fact the two holes blacks had an original mass of 14:08 times that of our Sun and are only merged into one at the end of 21 times the solar mass.

The Ligo antennas discover gravitational waves. One hundred years ago the idea of ​​Einstein

The difference between 22:21, the equivalent then to our Sun, has been converted into energy according to the famous report by Albert Einstein’s E = mc2.

Let’s think about it: the Sun, however petite star, has a mass three million times our Earth and in a moment this is turned into a flash of energy that disrupts the fine fabric of space-time and starts a train gravitational waves that propagates with the speed of light. In Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford in Washington State, where are the LIGO instruments, there has been a slight but unmistakable, disturbance in the laser length that run for kilometers in LIGO interferometers: the discovery was made.

“The research program also sees Italy in the front row with the great Virgo measuring instrument of Cascina, near Pisa , National Institute of Nuclear Physics project “

Ligo is the American part of a global collaboration project that also Italy in the foreground, with large Virgo measuring instrument of Cascina, near Pisa, one of the main projects of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Witness the fact that many Italians sign the important scientific article in which today presents the results, Ligo and Virgo are the pioneers of what will be a network of similar instruments that will cover the entire globe, basically, to observe the sky with this revolutionary new technology.

The detected signal in December 2015 compared to those revealed in September 2015

Even the facility Italian, currently in maintenance, starting in October you will hunt for signs, strengthened by improvements that have been made in recent months: you do not have to wait long, in short, for the first gravitational wave “Italian.”

As explained in the press conference held today in San Diego, California, Fulvio Ricci, INFN researcher, head of the international scientific collaboration VIRGO – this particular event that was recorded last December, it has characteristics significantly different from that observed in September, and the fact that we were able to follow their evolution over time made it possible to learn quite a lot.

Basically it’s as if we had again invented the telescope of Galileo, as LIGO and Virgo make us see that in the universe there is an entire population of blacks holes that cannibalize, or blend whether it prefers, much more often than you might think.

Ligo, Livingstone, USA, you see the long arms, 4 km away, where they run the lasers that detect the passage of gravitational waves

only, but these particular signals, these small stretches of space-time that propagate with the speed of light, we carry messages relating to phenomena which could otherwise not study, in the first place the initial stages of the Big Bang, which does not “see” in any electromagnetic wavelength: no radio, no microwave, no X-ray and Gamma.

the Stargate to the origins, as yet unknown, is open.

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