Sunday, October 11, 2015

Battery rhubarb is the solution to accumulate renewable energy – Baritalia News

Battery-to-rhubarb-is-the-solution-to-accumulate-the-energy-renewable A battery that can store energy produced than would use it when there is production.

At the moment there is no possibility to store electrical energy and then it can be used when the demand is higher than production.

But it seems that in this field the breakthrough is close.

Working to create a battery that stores energy there are researchers around the world.

In particular, an important news came in the last hours by a group of researchers at Harvard University who collaborated with Italian scholars from the University of Tor Vergata in Rome and the Bruno Kessler Foundation.

The research team studied Italian Americans a type of battery that rhubarb is able to store energy from renewable sources and to be able to use when the wind turbines to the absence of wind and photovoltaic panels to lack of sunlight can not produce clean energy.

Adele Vitale, Green Energy Storage company executive who was the company that produced the rhubarb battery following the instructions of the Italian American researchers has issued the following statement: “One of the problems of renewable energy is the ability to store it. It can not be produced continuously, for example in case of lack of wind or sun, while at other times it produces too much. For this you need to store it. The solution is to use batteries, but their limits are the costs and especially the environmental impact: often use toxic metals inside them. The new technology uses instead a molecule produced by plants during photosynthesis, called quinone, easily removable from rhubarb, biocompatible and low cost. “

The batteries rhubarb have a unique feature, store energy in large serbatoti containing molecules and electrodes.

The electrodes and molecules manage to have a very important function, capture the energy produced from renewable sources such as solar panels and wind turbines.

Emilio Sassone Corsi, one of the top leaders of the Green Energy Storage, said: “We have reached an agreement with Harvard for an exclusive license in Europe and by the middle of 2016 we will have batteries with higher power per kilowatt.”

Batteries rhubarb may already be sold in large scale from 2017 with a remarkably affordable cost.


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