Apple always appears to be more interested in the universe of the standalone. And although this new frontier will not be sufficient to confirm the project mysterious an iCar, and that Apple and the sector of the automotive seems more alive than ever. Last week, it seems that Apple may have written theU. S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to request a substantial equivalence between the new actors of the sector of the autonomous guide to the companies that already by the time you are engaged. The news was launched by Venture Beat, and then find a confirmation in the same bitten apple.
Already, by the time Apple would sift through the universe of the machine learning, a discipline which, at least in the future, may lead to great improvements for devices targati bitten apple. Among the possible applications of machine learning, however, great benefit may draw from the universe of the autonomous guide, as well as the Cupertino company seems to confirm in his letter:
Apple uses machine learning to make its products and services more intelligent, intuitive, and personal. The company is investing heavily in the study of machine learning and automation, and he is thrilled by the autonomous systems in many areas, including transportation.
According to the demands of the Apple, there would be a substantial disparities between the car producers and the new actors on the market, such as Apple or Google, in compliance with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, in relation to activities of tests of new vehicles on the road. For this reason, the Cupertino would have written to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to underline how, in order to maximise benefits and to the security for the cars are autonomous, and should be ensured a space of action equal for all the players in the game, so respect the competition.
however, it is Not all, because Apple would also like the birth of a program of sharing of data between the various producers in the game, based on the detections on the road accidents and other information security, in which all actors might draw on, not only in order to standardize the responses of the vehicles to shared standards, but also to increase the overall safety of users and citizens. A database, however, that should not come at the expense of the privacy of motorists, nor restrict the fundamental freedoms of individuals.
The letter from Apple has been confirmed by the Financial Times, with a short note from a spokesperson for the company:
We have provided our comments to NHTSA because Apple is investing heavily in machine learning and in autonomous systems. There are many potential applications for these technologies, including the future of transport, then we want to work with the NHTSA to define the best practices for the industry.

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