Thursday, March 3, 2016

World Day of nature, the UN dedication to elephants: “Stop hunting ivory” – TGCOM

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  • World Day of nature, the UN dedication to elephants: “Stop hunting ivory”

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– On March 3, we celebrate the World Wildlife Day, the World Day of nature and established by the UN wildlife. The edition of 2016 is dedicated to the elephants, victims of a ruthless poaching especially in recent years. According to a report of the CITES, in 2015 at least 20 thousand African elephants have been killed for their ivory. WWF Italy is launching an appeal for the protection of another mammal threatened by man: “No State slaughter of wolves.”

Despite the decline compared to the recorded negative peak between 2011 and 2012 (with 100 thousand copies killed), poaching is still a terrible threat to the survival of African elephants, because it is higher than the normal growth rate of their population.

Ranger in trouble – Defending nature by criminals, however, becomes increasingly dangerous. According to a survey conducted in Asia by the WWF, the ranger in charge of the defense of wildlife do not feel supported by the authorities in carrying out their task. 63% of respondents had to deal with situations in which their lives were at risk, 74% do not feel adequately equipped and 48% do not think you have the right training.

The Day nature – the anniversary was established by the united Nations December 20, 2013, the date that recalls the signing of the first Convention on international trade in endangered species of extinction (CITES), which took place March 3, 1973 in Washington. On the occasion of the World Wildlife Day, the European Union has announced the launch of an action plan against illegal ivory trafficking, rhino horns, hides and protected wood, wild animals.

Ban Ki-moon: “All do their part” – the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, addressed to “citizens, businesses and governments” so that everyone do their part “in protecting the fauna and the wild flora of the globe “. “The future of nature is in our hands,” he said.

WWF Italy: “Let’s save the wolf” – Following the announcement of a reduction plan of the State up to 60 units a year by the Ministry of Environment, the WWF Italy has chosen to dedicate the wolf the World Wildlife Day. the environmental organization says that “legal culls are proposed today only to meet the requirements from areas of the country where the wolf had been exterminated and where now conflict with this species, protected by national laws is growing. ” The wolf “belongs to our culture and has an indisputable role in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and the rich – says the WWF – E ‘also became a source of income for ecotourism.”

Day of nature
World Wildlife Day
Ban Ki Moon



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