Thursday, March 3, 2016

The German Antitrust Authority starts investigation on the use of data from part … – La Stampa

the Antitrust German start investigations on the use of data by Facebook

the suspicion is that the US company abuses its dominant position in the social networking market to force users the conditions that violate the laws on the protection of privacy

the German Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) has opened an investigation against Facebook suspecting that the US company abuses its dominant position in the social networking market to force users of conditions of use of their personal data in breach of applicable laws on data protection. This was announced by President Antitrust, Andreas Mundt. The American company’s response has been entrusted to a spokesman: “We believe we have followed the law – he said – but we will cooperate actively with the Antitrust Authority to respond to the doubts.”

The Antitrust Authority believes that by obtaining personal data for the construction of the profile of users, Facebook allows its customers targeted commercials. He wants to evaluate “whether users are sufficiently informed of this procedure,” as reported in a statement.

The guarantor of the German competition expresses strong doubts on the admissibility of this procedure, and believes that there may be grounds for a violation of free competition when taking into account of Facebook’s dominance of social media .

The Antitrust Authority believes that by obtaining personal data for the construction of the profile of users, Facebook allows its customers targeted commercials. He wants to evaluate “whether users are sufficiently informed of this procedure,” as reported in a statement.

The guarantor of the German competition expresses strong doubts on the admissibility of this procedure, and believes that there may be grounds for a violation of free competition when taking into account of Facebook’s dominance of social media .


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 Francesco Federico Ferrero

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 Store // if the box was New hotel opened or closed
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 // Management Related Articles
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 // ———————————————— -
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 // ———————————————— -
 // Upwards Arrow Click
 // ———————————————— -
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 function () {
 $ J ( “# containerArtCorr #articoliCorrScrollDown”). Attr ( ‘src’, ‘/ module / new-leaf / img / arrow_down.png’);
 $ J ( “# containerArtCorr #articoliCorrScrollDown”). AddClass ( ‘. Active’);
 if (numArticoli


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