Monday, March 7, 2016

Spid, digital identity: it starts but not everyone is ready – The Republic

DOMANI Minister for Simplification and Public Administration, Marianna Madia , and the Director General of the Agency for Italy Digital (AGID), Antonio Samaritans , will kick off at SPID, the public system for digital identity. Every citizen and every company will get a unique PIN to access the online services of the Italian public administration. Farewell to the myriad of user and password to keep in mind to interact with ministries, regions, municipalities, schools, taxation, social security, health care companies, and so on.

We’ll start with a small group of central and local administrations who participated in the experimental phase: revenue Agency, INPS, Inail and Agency for Digital Italy; the regions Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche. only municipality for now is to Florence. Around 300 services will be offered, in large part available. The other administrations will have to adapt the platforms to the security standards set out dall’AgID.

The Government would like to give the unique PIN to ten million citizens and businesses by 2017. An ambitious goal, because it means that every public administration should be able to interact with the standards set dall’AgID. However, all of the PA web portals will allow access to their services through the unique PIN within 24 months. The SPID identity consists of credentials with different characteristics depending on the security level required for access. There will be three levels of security, each of which correspond to three different levels of SPID identity. Public administrations and private autonomously define the level of security necessary to be able to access their digital services.

On the eve of the press conference for the launch we went to see how they fitted the three managers accredited by ‘AGID: Italian Post, Infocert and TIM Trust Technologies.

Well, only the Italian Post Office seems to be ready with his PosteID, already adopted for the services offered by the company. La Poste solution, in fact, is enabled by the SPID, as evidenced by the dedicated to the service of the page logo. As for Infocert, still in the page dedicated to the SPID there is only one form to fill in to book. “Once you submit your question – it says – we will reply as soon as possible at mail address you entered.” There is a service availability announcement also on the TIM Trust Technologies website: “Timid will be available soon on the Cloud Store or on our online store. After verifying your identity, we’ll send your credentials SPID and from that moment you use them to enter the sites that adhere to SPID. “

it seems strange that at a distance of a few hours following the SPID operators are not ready. And there’s another concern. The Agency for the Digital Italy has always ensured that the SPID you will not pay anything, but on Infocert sites and TIM Trust Technologies is stated that the service “is free for the first 2 years.” And after, what it will cost the possible renewal? Of digits there is no trace. It is not a bell’esordio, at least from the perspective of transparency.

digital identity
public administration
revenue Agency
Stakeholders :
marianna madia
Antonio Samaritans

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