An invention that will surely go down in history is the car without driver.
When will we see the car without a man driving on the streets of our cities or highways would understand that the technology has come a long way.
An invention that will change the way of life of many no doubt and that will make history.
In the future world of motorsport is upon us.
The driverless car is increasingly becoming the next marketing and the big car brands are already moving to try to produce as soon as the first model.
The leadership of Google for years has invested heavily on the Google Car driverless car and is in ‘ last period intensifying tests.
The first prototype was born in 2009 but before seeing it sold a few more years will pass.
We are talking about the Google Car driverless car that is the dream of many people who daily spend countless hours driving the car.
Before that, however, can be marketed to the engineers who invented the car without the driver must still make some changes to sophisticated guide.
Some have seen in the streets even the Italian car that Google was photographing areas of a region that serve to update one of the most used applications by users, Google Maps.
The Google Car is an autonomous vehicle that the driver does not need to walk.
The vehicle Google is still experimental and is tested, for the moment, with a driver at the border ready to intervene in case of malfunctions.
One of the most important inventions of recent times has been, without a doubt, the Google Car.
The car without a driver that can travel kilometers and kilometers autonomously was designed by Google engineers to adhere strictly to the rules of the road.
The Google Car is used by Google to update the photos and therefore the maps of Google Maps.
The Google car has no driver, however, has always been a man who is ready to place the driver of manual intervention in case of malfunction of the car.
Street rules worldwide, except California does not require that a vehicle without a driver can pass on public roads.
The driverless cars are the future and the big car brands are already working so that they can quickly bring to market vehicles without drivers.
But last year alone there have been 14 accidents because the Google car behaves on the road while respecting the rules of the road but many drivers are undisciplined and do not respect him.
The penultimate incident occurred due to some cyclists who are too close to the car and the Google Car has gone into crisis not knowing what to do.
The latest incident disclosed by the colossus of Montain View is what happened last Aug. 20.
The Google car in the presence of a pedestrian who was crossing the road on the pedestrian crossing has slowed.
The driver of the Google Car did not trust the braking of the vehicle and operated brake with manual controls that has been very sharp.
The oncoming car behind the Google Car could not avoid the impact.

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