Sunday, August 2, 2015

The land has a new neighbor discovered the planet HD 219134b – | Story Filed: 03/08/2015 – 07:20 | Article read 9041 times

 Discovered a new planet “in the vicinity” of the Earth. It’s called HD 219134b and the rocky planet closest to our discovered so far, since it is only 21 light-years away.

 Has a radius of 1.6 times the Earth and revolves around a star in the constellation Cassiopeia, slightly cooler and smaller than our sun. To complete a lap it takes just three days, which makes its temperature incandescent and inhospitable to life.

 The discovery, which is being published in the journal Astronomy & amp; Astrophysics , is due to an international group that includes many researchers of the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the University of Padua.

 To “frame” the new planet has been used one unrivaled in its field: the Spitzer Space Telescope of NASA, who works in the infrared wavelengths outside interference sources present in our atmosphere.

 HD 219134b, also is the innermost member of a planetary system composed of three other planets. – ​​News programming recorded at the Court of Palermo n ° 15 del 27/04/2011


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