Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Look at that Moon: crashed Earth and shows the dark side: the spectacular pictures of the probe Dscovr – The Messenger

Look at that moon, look at the sea! Cheeky, the satellite allows impallare Earth or at least to hide a slice. He is not afraid to show his dark side. No, the picture is not a collage (sorry, now you say Photoshop) even if it seems to the net difference of colors: dark gray, and the Moon, so disappointing compared to the one that illuminates our nights, brilliant and haunting Earth with its seas celestial surclassanno those lunar dust.

But what effect this Moon never seen so prominently from the Earth, despite being almost four times smaller. And ‘this high-resolution touch several strings within us. It ‘was taken by the probe Dscovr hanging from February to 1.6 million kilometers from Earth, a distance which allows it to float perfectly balancing the pull of the Earth and the Sun. Lagrangian point L1, astronomers say.

arrived in these parts, the probe Dscovr NASA has actually turned into a satellite that always has its “eyes”, not only photographic, focused on the illuminated side of the Earth and the Sun, with the Moon periodically passes in front impallando just a bit ‘of the planet. Which explains the uniqueness of this photo, preceded only by the pale and poorly defined examples. In short, Earth and Moon entire smiling front of the camera and behind the Sun, but a bit ‘sideways, so as not to project annoying shadows on the protagonists: the ABC of photography.


 On average, the Moon is in fact to 400 thousand kilometers of Earth as the Sun is from the Earth 152 million km.

 Hard to get an idea, huh? Staying with your feet on the ground is as if sistemassimo a ball handball (the Sun) on the line port of a football field, then, near the penalty spot (9 meters), we find Venus (look closely, is as big as a seed of a mile) and then, at the edge of the penalty (16 meters) Earth (always a very small seed). La Luna, head of a pin, is 4 cm from the Earth.

 Then there is Mars (half a seed …) to 25 meters. The last planet of the Solar System to remain within the playing field is Jupiter (golf ball) to 78 meters from the “Sun”. Then, to get to the last planet, Pluto, you have to align (the short side) 7 football fields because the tenant more peripheral of our condo (another pinhead) orbit at 700 meters.

Returning to the probe-satellite Dscover, to thank for a complete picture of the Earth with real colors or fascinating as those printed on prehistoric film by Apollo astronauts, it must be said that his position is vital for two aspects: images of the Earth, which allow you to keep an eye on climatic and ecological issues, and those in the sun. Images and magnetic measurements of solar activity that can in some instances represent a risk to satellites (telecommunications and research) and for same electrical equipment on Earth. The sentry Dscover, in short, allows detection of solar particles flows or the evolution of magnetic phenomena when there is still a quarter of an hour to an hour to their impact with the Earth’s orbit or the Earth itself. It seems small but it is a huge amount useful to study countermeasures and not be (think of the network of setelliti) blinded. It should not be a case if the USAF, the Air Force of the US, continues the mission of the probe Dscvor, designed in 1998, built in 2002 but then on standby for lack of funds until February of this year.

Finally, there will be good to the probe Deep Space Climate Observatory for pictures of the dark side (rather hidden) of the Moon, that 41% could never see precisely without the help of probes or spaceships. Imagine what infinity is behind the hedge is not bad, but see it, from time to time, is equally wonderful.

             Thursday, August 6, 2015, 03:22 – Last Updated: 03:49


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