After the scandal photos of actresses and celebrities stolen and put online, the CEO of Apple announced a crackdown in the security system. But in the meantime, hospitals are the new frontier for hackers, with attacks growing exponentially. And credit cards continue to be violated thanks (or blame) loopholes of ‘policy’ of large companies.
Celia Guimaraes headaches for Apple, dealing with violated the privacy of the users of iCloud, for their ingenuity, apparently . But the Cupertino company is not alone. The cyber criminals, said a security expert, become more sophisticated and the ‘hacker hunting’ (although the correct term is ‘crackers’) is a kind of chess game.
Target : vip nude
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, has spoken for the first time of the publication of the stolen photos of celebrities naked, in most actresses and other female celebrities. To prevent this from happening again, said the CEO, Apple will double its efforts to warn the unwary and warn each customer, via email, when somebody tries to change password, iCloud transfer data to a new device or when a device is connected to an account for the first time, but not only.
Apple will strengthen its security system with the “double authentication” (already used, for example, also from Google) which will be extended to most sensitive part of the services. To access your account password and it will take a four-digit code or password and the access key provided when registering for the service. One more complication for as much of the security of uncertain but necessary utility.
Target: medical records
Not only celebrities and nude photos: these are the new hospitals frontier for hackers. According to Websense, an American company that deals with online security, only in the United States attacks on health centers in recent months have increased by 600%. There have been egregious actions such as theft of data from 4.5 million patients in the Chs, a large company that operates more than 200 clinics through the famous ‘bug’ Heartbleed . It would be, but it is not, the action of Chinese hackers.
“What makes it more serious is the problem – says Carl Leonard, Websense manager, the magazine of the MIT Technology Review – is the fact that computer security has never been a priority for many healthcare organizations.’s healthcare industry spends much less on information technology than the others, and so it is logical that the vulnerabilities are concentrated here. “
What do hackers from data stored in hospitals? The identity and number of credit card, but also all the medical information of patients.
You do not save even Obamacare. website was hacked in July, but the intrusion was discovered by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services just a few days ago. A ‘botnet’ standard, malware often used by hackers, was loaded into the system. Investigations are in progress.
Target: credit cards social
continued, meanwhile, traditional attacks that link directly to credit cards. Where the ‘hole’ that has allowed us to steal data sometimes is not even mentioned by the company responsible. For example, four days after the initiation of an investigation into a very complex cyber attack, led by the FBI and security experts like Symantec, the CEO of Home Depot (retail chain of housewares based in Atlanta in the United States that is worth $ 122 billion) Frank has publicly admitted that the company still did not know what was going on, reports the American press.
A few days ago, the first week of September, Home Depot has received a notification from the American and European banks that avvertivache credit cards issued by the companies were ‘offered for sale’ on Russian and Ukrainian sites and hackers as The violation, which would cover millions of customer data chain Home Depot, dates back even to the month of May and now millions of customers of the dealer trying to find out if the data of their credit cards have ended up on the black market.
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