In Pictures: The tiger, one of the species at risk of extinction.
We are living beyond our means and, above all, above those of the Earth. This was revealed by the WWF Living Planet Report 2014, under which, if the world population would lead the lifestyle of the Europeans, “humanity would need 2.6 planets to sustain itself.” And Italy is fully integrated into the European average. Why did the people of the Old Continent are able to maintain their lifestyle, they are tacitly relying on energy consumption and reabsorption of pollution “offered” to other areas of the planet, “the 27 member European Union live beyond the levels of a planet, and they also rely heavily on the natural resources of other countries. “
While humanity endangers herself , a growing number of animal species dies out. Since 1970 species of vertebrates have been reduced by more than half, while “the populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles have declined by 52% since 1970.” Origin of this destruction is the reduction of natural habitats and alteration of individual ecosystems caused by the expansion of settlements, large engineering projects (such as dams) and water and air pollution. A critical situation that also impacts on human life if you think that “more than 200 river basins, home to more than 2.5 billion people, suffer from a serious shortage of water for at least a month every year.” To these causes we add the poaching, which has focused on a recent search focused on the smuggling of ivory and the subsequent killing of elephants.
A growing population, more and more consumer-oriented , are driving demand for natural resources “is over 50% more greater than what the natural systems are able to regenerate. ” To meet the needs of ‘ homo consumans would require a land and a half. In short, the WWF report highlights that humanity, making a precarious life that surrounds him, endangers himself. Humanity in debt that, if nothing is done soon, it will be asked, sooner or later, to pay the bill.

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