It happens a bit ‘like with spaghetti : we are of the greatest consumers, but that does not produce a minimal amount of grain required. The rest we have to import it. The same happens with video games: they “devour” but not create them. Italy is the fourth largest market in Europe, with over one billion euro, and the ninth globally. And gamers surveyed are 21 million, a third of the total population that is measured in a “casual” with Candy Crush on Facebook or Criminal Case on smartphones, or from “core gamer” with Diablo on the PC or on consoles Destiny. The Italian software house there and are still rising. But apart from rare cases, it is really small and struggling to take off. There is a lack of funds and laws that help to ride the wave of technological revolution. They are not found then the skills to be employed in firms: the sites of the Italian development company can be found under ‘careers’ many job offers, but in a period of crisis in employment remain incredibly dead letter. And the circle, not virtuous, closes.
To try to break the short circuit , takes the field the only Italian multinational industry, Digital Bros, born in Milan in 1989 from the idea of brothers Abraham and Raffaele Galante and Via Tortona 37 branches in the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany for a total of over 150 employees. The idea is called “Digital Bros Game Academy” and wants to be a cornerstone for creating a center in our country. “It is not a question of lack of ability, but of opportunity,” says Raffaele Galante, CEO of the company. “Video games are born from the creativity to us and this was never absent from fashion to design. In Italy there are hidden talents we want to give you the tools to be able to measure in an industry that for years does not seem to stop growing. ” The Academy, which will debut on January 12 aims a ready job training of new professionals. With the idea then to subject them to speed dating work with Italian companies because these new professionals do not feel the need to escape to London or California to pursue the dream of working with video games.
The course is the first in Italy to be born within a protagonist directly from the world of gaming and is sponsored by Siam, the Company’s encouragement arts and crafts. The format is already successfully developed (over 5000 students) from the British Train2Game and is divided into three specialized courses post-graduation: game design, game developer and artist & amp; animator 2D / 3D. “The idea of learning by doing,” says Geoffrey Davis, the American in charge of the project. “The boys will be engaged in continuous hands-on labs to get to create and manage video games across all platforms.” Those for PC and console through iOS and Android mobile devices. At the end of the selection, the selected will be between 30 and 40, with the option for three of them to access a scholarship (one of which is reserved for a female candidate). The course will cost € 8,500 and the applications must be postmarked by November 14 (for information:
Digital Bros will be present with its own Academy on October 24th inside the Italian game developer summit, the ‘B2B event parallel to the Games Week, the Italian exhibition of video games (24-26 October in Milan). At dell’Igds will be able to come into contact with other realities of training in the field of video games. The best of which, in Italy, so far were born only within the public universities. From the Politecnico di Milano University of Verona, with a particular emphasis on the University of Milan and with the academic year 2014/15 shows the first degree course true in the Computer Science department. A name such as Ubisoft has not lost time to patronize the new academic adventure. Because there is an increasing need that Italians are dealt with video games. Not just for playing.

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