The new iPhone 6:06 Plus, now officially on sale in Italy, are – as will become even stones – the largest of any iPhone so far produced 4.7 and (for Plus) 5.5 inches the screen.
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Mind you immediately: there scream from the revolution . From time smartphones have embraced the way of the large screens. At least with the first Samsung Galaxy Note, which we noticed immediately the potential of gamechanger. Apple now embraces a change initiated by others. It is not a revolution but there is not even from a scandal: the story itself tells us that Apple is not who comes “first”, but who gets “better” and at the right time. From the record level of attention received by the iPhone 6 and the early sales figures seem to yet another center.
For this reason the new iPhone are, yes, a revolution because Apple remit to the center of the field from the game without any kind of subjection to the contestants Android, Samsung in the head. Who was unhappy with the screen “small” of the iPhone and opted for another top of the range can now return to the fold of mom Apple, which perhaps had escaped. And who for a long time did not update his iPhone, maybe because the iPhone 4s-5-5s were too (at least for aesthetics) similar to 4, now we can do a little thought.
The new iPhone have a ‘ aesthetics changed , with tweaks aimed at improving the usability of a screen plus. The edges are necessarily round. Beyond a certain size, the design “tile” with right angles, is at odds with a comfortable grip on the device (who used the Sony Xperia Z and Z2 knows …). The stand-by button moves to the side would have been impossible to reach with your thumb on top. Even the volume buttons are getting longer.
Version Space Gray (dark gray) seems to be the most successful: the black front, with the glass that is on the edge curve favoring the metal profile and creating an object (almost) seamlessly.
Ugly bands at the back (Htc had done much better with his One) and not the camera that beautiful coming out (a little, but escapes) from the rear profile. Two solutions “little apple” in terms of design, but the game force required for purely technological reasons (receiving and sensor size.)
do not reach the design changes comes the software. One of the features that we liked most of the new iPhone is the double-tap (not double-click!) The Home button: The screen is halved (half disappears below) and at that point we can touch areas of the display that normally could only be achieved if you have a thumb to pivot NBA. An accessibility feature that preserves the use of a single hand, especially on the 6 Plus, and that it seemed more practical solutions (swipe back and forth from the edge) designed by Samsung in the past (and then Lg). A good example of the integration of hardware and software on which Apple insists now more than ever, as a trump card and distinctive than the competition.
Another good example of how the combination of iPhone 6/8 iOS can make life easier for users is the opening of Touch Id, the fingerprint sensor, to third-party apps. 1Password or LastPass are a good start: supporting our pollicione we can fill in all security, the online application form in the Safari browser. The new major, and potentially the most useful in everyday life, ie Apple Pay instead will wait (and not a little, I’m afraid) in Italy. Issue of regulations and rules on electronic payments, as well as trade agreements.
A third good example of the Apple philosophy is the camera. Who is mentally slave of the technical specifications (thermonuclear war in the Android world has accustomed us to this …) will be disgusted by “only” 8 megapixels. In fact, the new iSight not only has a superb quality of the shots, which in many situations is better than excellent cameraphone such as Samsung Galaxy S5 (16 Mpixel) or Sony Xperia Z3 (20.7 megapixels). But it is also extremely simple to use. A swipe on the screen and activate the new super-slow motion 240 fps. And another timelapse mode is entered (in the network are already wonderful things made with iPhone 6). A good lesson for those competitors who drown in the camera options menu brainy and anti-intuitive.
If you have a photo of the essential kit for everyday use seriously evaluated to choose the 6 Plus, which boasts more than the little brother optical stabilization.
always the hardware of the iPhone is relatively little important. The first iPhone was worse than the Nokia N-series era in many ways (screen size aside). But then we know what happened. The new chip A8 , produced by TSMC (and no longer by Samsung) with a 20-nanometer process, it is a dual core graphics with four cores. According to AnandTech benchmarks (not the least of idiot) achieves excellent results and superior in many tests to competition, which boasts cup quad or octa core and more RAM memory. (I personally do to benchmark the weight they deserve: a play and a little more). The only concern may relate to the Ram: the single Gigabyte is enough to ensure the smooth flow which Apple has accustomed us; But if we have many tabs open in the browser, there are plenty refresh the page when you switch from one tab to another. It is also a matter of architecture of the operating system, but 1 GB or more would not hurt (except at the margins of Apple).
and PHONE BATTERY One of the
Critics of the iPhone 5s. The “power user” you were accustomed to batteries that already in the early afternoon were in crisis. We expected a burst of kidneys from Apple. On the 6 Plus we can say that there has been: it is by far the iPhone with the longest duration ever seen so far. It is not a record but allows you to arrive in the evening without too many worries and make even a day and a half, almost two, with moderate use. The situation of 6 is not as rosy. Progress with respect to the 5s are not as obvious. In my use of “office” (4G or Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, many hundreds of emails a day, messages from different platforms, a lot of browsing, Feedly / Zite / Flipoboard, a half-hour music stream, little or no gaming , a few video) I was between 9 and 13 hours with the 5s, depending on the time of display on. The 6 mi adds 10-15% more. Not much to stay calm
( on data from the battery I reserve a future update after 1 week of use ).
The phone improves compared to the old iPhone. The sound is good and the signal capsule holds even in areas with connectivity difficult. Other brand though (Nokia, Motorola, Blackberry, Huawei) on this aspect are preferable.
iOs 8
The new operating system brings many small improvements (20 things to know) and some great progress: Keyboard with automatic suggestions finally takes away the embarrassment of those messages devoid of meaning that iPhone owners were familiar. The ability to replace it with third-party keyboard (Swiftkey is our favorite) is even better. In general iOs 8 has revealed some problems since release. On the Plus, which features exclusive software (see them in our video), even a few more. We’ll see if the newly released iOS 8.0.2 (after the flop dell’8.0.1) smusserà a bit ‘edges.
Folds? But no, it does not bend. Sure, the Plus is thick and thin. It has a body of aluminum, which is not steel safes. If then strung the Plus in the back pocket, weighing more than a ton, you have to sit adamantium and you are on top of us for half a day, ignoring the discomfort that 5.5-inch screen in hindquarters endeavor, then it may well be that something happens .
If you have an iPhone 4, 4s, 5, and been waiting the time to change it with another iPhone, this is the time is right. iPhone 6 is used, as all the iPhone, with great pleasure; the ecosystem of the App Store is still the best app in the market for quality and consistency graphics; hardware and software are traveling in unison and give an edge over many competitors Android. And if you have a Mac and / or iPad the new features such as Continuity make an iPhone a must .
Although available, for the work I do, different smartphones with different operating systems, I think that l ‘iPhone 6 will be the one that I will use more – and with greater satisfaction – in the coming months , although I will “open” and the possibility of customization of Android.
But I do not imbalance to say that this is the “new best smartphone”, or “the most exquisite furniture ever made” or even the “best smartphone you can buy.” There are great competitors offering much (not much “more”, but “a lot”) at the lowest prices. In recent weeks we liked (in order of rating) Sony Xperia Z3, Lg G3, Lumia 930 . First Galaxy S5 Samsung and Htc One M8 . And there is the Notes 4 in output, as well as the Moto X 2014 Probably a new Nexus from Google.
iPhone 6 is a candidate to be bought by those who first did not take him into account, because of the size of the screen: the cost of access, however, (from 729 to 6, 839 6 Plus) is a heavy barrier to be overcome and the value can not be affected.
The screen of 6 is a good compromise between the “old” iPhone and a more livable display. The dimensions are not so inflated compared to 5s and paperbacks remain sufficiently, though not always the use of a hand is easy. It is the model that will sell more and that is what we recommend if you are a user more “traditionalist” Apple phones.
The real leap, however, is done with the 6 Plus . It’s a nice “pan” and not always, if ever, is convenient to carry in your pocket, despite being very thin and rather light considering the size. Handle it with one hand puts it at risk of falling (housing highly recommended). But personally, I’m for big screens since the first Galaxy Note. The camera but especially the battery are advantages that I can not give up, and for which more than willing to stand the discomfort of the dimensions. My choice then is 6 Plus, but I would not advise it universally.

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