fans of smartphones eagerly awaiting the new iPhone 6 arrives on the market and there are others who designs “transfers” to other cities or night waiting code that will open the stores to be among the first buyers.
But among the loyalists of Apple c ‘is someone who is really willing to do anything, even to rent a girlfriend.
Exactly. A Chinese boy just to grab the precious phone has to rent his girlfriend. The latest in technology at a cost not just within the reach of all, and as if that were not enough, it will arrive on the Chinese market only a few months. Who wants it, therefore, must resort to the black market and maybe spend an amount greater than the list price, hoping not to run into counterfeit versions.
To raise the money needed , reports the “South China Morning Post”, a student of University of Shanghai Songjiang decided to rent his girlfriend fellow singles who want a little ‘company. The ‘contract’ proposed by the young states that the ‘landlord’ can bring out to dinner or go out with the girl to study us together but explicitly excludes the possibility of having a physical relationship.
And to publicize the deal has also prepared a poster, complete with a description of the girl and tariff.
Songjiang University of Shanghai

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