Facebook has begun testing its App for iOS a new feature that will allow users to pre-program the automatic cancellation of a post. This time interval can be set between one and seven days. The new discovery by The Next Web and then confirmed by the Facebook team is in test however only a limited group of users.
social network is not new to these initiatives, which serve not only to test the functionality of a service but also to verify the satisfaction of the users to then decide whether to make it available for everyone or it aside. If, then Facebook will consider that the “ post time ” is a welcome feature for their users, the release will be global. On this occasion, the social network has also prepared a guide which explains how to use this particular function. The procedure for the lucky ones who will be able to use it, is very simple. Users only have to tap an icon in the shape of a clock next to the post and select a due date from those available.
The post will be shared so for the time period selected. At maturity, it will be automatically deleted from the site and has been removed from Facebook . It is not clear what happens to the post being deleted and if that is really also removed from the Facebook servers. The social network within the service guide specifies that the post will be removed from Facebook but that does not mean, as is pointed out in the guidelines of the portal, that the data is really deleted from the server.
new feature that makes Facebook a bit ‘ Snapchat can go to meet some particular needs of the users, the rest of the mission of a social network is to provide the best user experience to subscribers. Consider for example the sharing of messages or media content that you want to leave visible only for a short time. Today, it is necessary to remove them manually, but maybe tomorrow we can do it automatically.
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