ROMA. And ‘the degree that many people have dreamed of as children: video games. A launch are ViGaMus Link Campus University and Academy of Rome, in collaboration with national and international companies in the industry.
In three years, for which there are six scholarships will be formed specialized figures of the electronic entertainment industry, providing the foundation necessary to pursue a career in any profession related to the world of video games. The training process – for which there are 6 scholarships – is articulated in three years and aims at training specialized electronic entertainment industry, providing the foundation necessary to pursue a career in any profession related to the world of video games .
It goes from marketing to communication, from game development to localization and publishing. In this way, the teachers, professionals qualified national and international, will transmit their knowledge in lectures, special interventions, case studies and workshops, involving students in hands-on projects organized by partner companies. Among the teachers, include names such as Suda51 (Grasshopper Manufacture), Avni Yerli (Crytek), Frank Sliwka (Gamescom), Marco Giannatiempo Laboratory (Communication), Angela Paoletti (Local Transit), Alberto Belli (Storm in a Teacup), Daniele Azara (freelance game designer & amp; interactive storyteller) and many others. The degree course is part of a growing market and evolving, ready even in times of crisis to offer numerous opportunities for inclusion for young people. With a total annual turnover of 73 billion dollars, of which more than 1 billion registered only in our country (data Newzoo 2014), the video game industry is in fact at the top of the entertainment industry worldwide.
The synergy between the Link Campus University and the Academy ViGaMus then comes to ferry students to the world of work, putting them directly in touch with the most important of the game industry. The industrial partners of course, all leaders in their field, in fact welcome students for internships, apprenticeships and work projects coordinated, allowing them to put into practice the concepts learned during the three years and to have opportunities to direct entry into the labor market. The students of this training course dedicated to the professions of the game also will break the rhythm of the academic year by participating in a study vacation cruise in the Mediterranean thanks to its partnership with Explay ( a ‘unique experience in the world that, from 1 to 9 March 2015, will transport students in a full-immersion workshops and educational activities, but also leisure and entertainment.

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