Rome – The item is recurrent, left Russia and came up in the West circulates an archive containing email and password to almost 5 million Google Account , potentially one of the most large leak of this kind ever happened. Lacking official confirmation, but those who have an active Gmail address would do well to pay attention.
Among the first to report the news website in Russian CNews, which would have taken from a discussion forum (on Bitcoin) where a User concealed behind the nickname tvskit indicated the database that contains the credentials that is circulating in the network. Inside a slew of nearly 5 million emails and passwords, many related to Russian users but not limited to: several addresses seem to be owned by users speaking English or Spanish, if true sign that this database would be the result of a compilation of information on a large scale. In any case, those who have enabled two-step verification for login should be relatively quiet about the integrity of its users.
Google was informed of the problem, and he even issued a statement on the incident to CNews: “Experts are checking what happened,” is the ambiguous statement made by that Anurova Svetlana, who added the classic advice to choose strong passwords and if possible also enable two-factor authentication, that which involves sending a code using throw-away via SMS .
It is said that the information contained in the files that are circulating are true, or that all accounts listed are actually bucabili (many may have already changed the password anyway), but it’s worth a look for realize if your address is among those present and in each case follow the advice to update their credentials . As shown by the case of the photos of VIP also strengthen the doors of access to their digital lives is a good thing if you do not like the idea that someone might pry into private affairs of others.Luca Annunziata

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