Thursday, September 22, 2016

Yahoo! in the crosshairs of hackers: hacked the data of 500 million users – The Messenger

A massive cyber-attack with the stolen data of over half a billion people. Yahoo! confirmation of being the victim of a cyber attack of massive proportions, and that, you suspect, may have been carried out by a hackers sponsored by a foreign State. The victim of the pirates informed the First lady Michelle Obama, whose passport ends up online, as well as personal e-mail of some employees of the White House that they have worked with the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Also in this case, it is assumed that the action of a foreign State.

The authorities are following the case, Yahoo!, and investigate one that involved Michelle, a recent victim in the temporal order of DC Leaks, the group probably linked to the Russian secret services. The search engine confirms the aggression informatics in 2014 and the theft of personal information of 500 million customers billion the company’s total. An admission that is likely to create tensions in the sale of Yahoo! to Verizon. “We work with the authorities,” says Yahoo! pointing out that the investigations carried out have not revealed the presence of an “actor external State-sponsored” in the network of the company.

The National Security Council and the White House are aware of the hacker attack against Yahoo!, that is higher than originally estimated. In recent times, several american companies have been the victims of hacker attacks by entities related to foreign governments, and i suspect the main have fallen on Russia and China. The marriage between Yahoo! and Verizon have not yet been formalized: the call is missing the go-ahead of the authorities and of the shareholders of the search engine. The impact of the confirmation of the operation is not yet clear but, according to analysts, may make the road impassable, especially in terms of the assumption of liability in a time of transition. The first rumors on a possible hacker attack against Yahoo! back in August, when the hackers ‘Peacè announced it has sold the data of 200 million users for 3 bitcoin, about $ 1,800. Yahoo! it was aware of the rumors but had not taken a position, just starting an internal investigation. The data stolen includes users ‘ names, dates of birth, and their other e-mail addresses. We are financial information, and this esonererebbe Yahoo! from having to contact every single customer and to offer the services of credit monitoring.

At the level of the image, however, the slap is heavy. Yahoo! aware of the attack, has invited users to change passwords as a precaution, showing non-reactive. And ask for the change now might be too little and too late. The cyber-attack represents a new blow to Marissa Mayer, ceo of Yahoo!, on which were pinned the hopes of the revival. Hopes, however, failed after years of cutting costs and that led Yahoo! to get in the sale. Mayer if she leaves her position as part of the agreement with Verizon will collect $ 44 million.


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