Saturday, September 24, 2016

The attack on Yahoo: check the matrix Russian. And the Mayer knew, but has been silent with Verizon – The Sun 24 Hours

“hacker Attack supported by a State.” There is also this in the release with which Yahoo! has confirmed the theft of personal data of 500 million accounts. A position that has not convinced everyone, given that among the experts meanders some hesitation. Yet, the version of Yahoo! you may be correct. Among the new rumors on what has already been dubbed the theft the it history’s largest, in fact, there is a clue which leads straight to Russia. To reveal it is the Wall Street Journal, which cites sources close to the Sunnyvale company.

Yahoo! the greatest theft of computer history. Here’s how to defend yourself

In the fall of 2014, as reported by the newspaper the u.s., the Yahoo! scovarono a cyber attack to their systems of matrix Russian. In that case, the cyber criminals tried to get the data of the forty registered users to the services online of the giant californian. Yahoo! he denounced the attack to the Fbi. A few weeks later, the same data center were attacked in a massive way and was subtracted half a billion accounts. Support with certainty that the criminal group is the same who a few weeks before he launched the first attack is impossible. But the percentages are very high.

Yahoo! admits stolen data to 500 million users by hackers linked to a State

What will change if there enters Russia
within this history that will still have a lot to say, the data on Russia can not be considered secondary. In the dynamics the most frequent cyber-war there are two strands enough known. The first league of the Usa and China, with the continuous attacks from the east to the west in search of system vulnerabilities. The second strand, however, is just what Russia and the united states. In this case, however, there comes a lot of espionage, the land on which the russians are believed to be the best. To date, however, it is difficult to decipher the reasons for the attack. Will hit Yahoo! is clear. The rest do not.

Mayer knew (and he did not say to Verizon)
Meanwhile, the Financial Times launches an indiscretion that is likely to tilt further the relationships between Yahoo! and the buyer of Verizon. Apparently, in fact, the Ceo Marissa Mayer was aware of the theft of 500 million accounts already, big time, but in the negotiation stage of the sale would not have communicated to the purchaser (i.e. Verizon), which in the meantime has engaged a figure of $ 4.8 billion. Moreover, no notice has been given to shareholders and users, who have learned of the attack about two years away. But Yahoo! was obliged to communicate it? This question has been answered, Gabriele Faggioli, scientific Head of the Observatory on Information Security & Privacy of the Polytechnic of Milan and president of Clusit, “The United States, where Yahoo! has its seat, have a legislation different from that in europe and from that of the individual EU member States. In California, Yahoo! will not be required to notify the data breach to those affected, not the fact the data stolen financial information. In Italy there is the obligation to communicate any violations to the supervisor, and in some cases also to stakeholders. The non-performance or delay in performance of the communication presents the possibility of administrative sanctions”.

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