Thursday, September 22, 2016

Google The, the preview of the new app instant-messaging –

Google. At The operation is immediately familiar: a list of chat recent gives access to the latest conversations. The chat incognito is equipped with special functions, such as encryption and a countdown to the cancellation of the messages. (Photo: Lorenzo Longhitano)

a Few weeks ago came the video, the Duo, now Google is ber land on smartphone Android and iOS with The: the instant messaging app that will have the task to fight with the dominance of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and a wide array of platforms are less widely used but equally aggressive. We tested it in preview a few days before his appearance on the Play Store and the App Store.

After registration via phone number and sms confirmation At the looks like a mix between a common messaging app and a software in the style of Google. The material design is not the mind: on the left side you will find the classic menu expanding profile and settings in the main window are the latest chat and group conversations arranged in chronological order and by means of a button on the bottom you access the list of contacts.

the conversation, group or individual, we are family: as happens in all other services, to the words you can attach shots instant photo or video coming from the album, emoticons, sticker, or your gps location.

The sender can check the status of sending, receiving, and reading messages and holding on the text bubbles you can copy, forward or share the content with other apps in the operating system. Compared to competitors more run-in, allows you to enlarge or decrease the font size of the messages you are about to send by dragging the send button to the top or to the bottom: an insider’s interesting that gives me a way to simulate screams and whispers.

these two, however, the most peculiar aspects that distinguish The. The first is the chat in incognito, an idea not really new to pat, but the app Google is an original implementation, in the mid between the approach of the Telegram and Snapchat. By selecting the appropriate mode, the conversation that has just begun is encrypted head-to-head (a step that instead of the normal chat, and not subject to); in addition, the receipt of new messages will reported by general notifications instead of spiattellando content in the top bar of Android and the entire scaffold she becomes self-destructive as in the best spy films, after time intervals of ultra-short five, ten and thirty seconds, or after a minute, an hour, a day or a week.

The second is the presence of'virtual assistant Google, a bot that inside of The assumes the shape of a normal contact in the address book (in the course of our test was not yet able to speak Italian, but it is probable that the arrival in our country the gap will be filled).

The Assistant works in a similar way to a string of Google search, with the difference that the algorithms that drive it are planned for understanding natural language writer: not always takes our input, but venendogli a little meeting never gives me problems. Alternatively, when the circumstances allow, to attempt to speed up the operations, the Assistant offers the text bubbles pre-packed that you can tap instead of wasting time typing in the questions.

The bot can provide information on the weather and stores nearby, but also the latest news, sports results and general information of any type or to offer a bit of distraction with a series of mini-games; all of this becomes especially useful when it is used inside a group chat, where interactions of this kind at the disposal of all can help to advance the discourse or to organise events and get-togethers.

Google has undoubtedly done your homework. The non-oozes personality and obviously shines for originality, but the set of features that it offers, is already quite robust and the engineers at Google will take a long time to make the package even more complete. Certainly, in normal conditions, it is difficult for an app like this, however well made, can challenge the domain of platforms already adopted by hundreds of millions of users, but it is not an app any: if it came pre-installed and well-integrated with the operating system — the earlier of the uncomfortable and complicated, Google Plus has nothing to do with this case — in a few months for the opponents could be in pain.

The app, in any case, will come soon on all Android smartphones, as users of this operating system can already preregistrarsi for download and receive a notification when it’s available), and iOS: it won’t take long before the general public can try it with the hand.


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