Friday, May 27, 2016

Uses, obsolete technology: the Pentagon still rely on floppy and Pc of the 70 – The Republic

L’ARSENALE US nuclear defense is still entrusted to IBM computer diskettes and 70s. There is material for a Hollywood script for what he has discovered the Government Accountability Office, in practice the agency for Congress comb through the federal budget. Despite US taxpayers pay about 61 billion dollars a year to keep up to date technological equipment of various departments of the Pentagon, the latter seems collecting modern art computer.

In the detailed report of the GAO stated that the Defense system that coordinates intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear bombers and their tanker “runs on computers IBM Series 1-70s and uses 8-inch floppy disk”. The Pentagon spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Valerie Henderson, responded to Associated Press that “it is still in use because, long story short, it still works.” “However, to address the concerns of obsolescence, with floppy drives are scheduled to be replaced by digital devices safe at the end of 2017″.

In short, the GAO suggested the Pentagon to make a move, even if in Indeed there is a complete update of the entire Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications in 2020. Among the many oddities identified by the GAO, there are also other antiques. The Treasury Department for profiles of taxpayers still relies on a software-based assembly language that runs on old IBM mainframe. The Department of Veterans Affairs handles the payroll, pensions and other services with software in COBOL. The same applies to the Department of Justice, in relation to levels of security and housing. “The government runs the risk of keeping systems that have reached their limits,” says the GAO.

windows 3.1
floppy disk

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