Sunday, May 22, 2016

Beer, created sustainable packaging which will degrade and become food for fish – News Baritalia

The packaging of biodegradable beer cans  that feeds the fish is actually

the packaging of beer cans also end up in the sea and is lethal to life on small fish and turtles. L ‘ packaging from the circular shape of beers ending his life at sea, a small American company has designed to protect the environment.

the company that makes beer is Florida and thought to design packaging for cans of consumatissima biodegradable drink in the sea become food for fish and turtles.

Another important invention comes from the United States where he studied a biodegradable packaging for beer cans. L ‘ packaging will help to save from certain death many fish and small turtles.

the packaging is biodegradable in the sea becomes a food for fish and does not cause damage to their natural habitat. the invention can hopefully be soon also sold in other countries.

Save the world from pollution it is one of the priorities of all mankind. There are several projects in recent months they have been submitted by various research studies. The last interesting project was presented by a small American company that produces beer.

The project provides that the packaging of beer cans is biodegradable. The new type of packaging will be produced with production waste beer such as barley and wheat.

A great invention that of a small business in Florida in the United States of America that invented a biodegradable packaging the beer cans.

the packaging has an important property for the environment, if it is not abandoned at sea pollutes indeed become food for fish and does not cause any harm to their health. A unique packaging system that like the United States of America, currently one of the nations that pollute the most in the world because it produces several tons of plastic waste.

If the packaging of beer cans into the sea create many habitat problems. There are many small fish and turtles that get caught in these types of packaging and after a long agony die.

The packaging of beer cans that are shaped like rings cause very considerable damage mainly to habitat natural seas.

Saltwater Brewery is an entrepreneur who has been producing beer in Florida and decided to tackle the problem of plastic packaging.

it took months of study, but Saltwater Brewery and its engineers managed to create a biodegradable packaging that is created with the production waste of beer: barley and wheat.

the only big handicap of this packaging to biodegradable plastic rings is that have costs, for the moment, more than those of the classic packaging.

the customer buying beer with biodegradable packaging makes a financial sacrifice but helps the environment and creates no harm to support fish life and small turtles.

the estimates of the plastic waste that end up in the sea are frightening. According to the latest figures are more than 8 million tons of plastic that ends its cycle in the water.

The researchers reported that 8 million tons are equal to one truck every minute overboard everything its contents.

According to the latest data only in about 34 years, in 2050, the tons of plastic that will end in the sea will be twice the current ones in the sea and the amount of plastic will be higher than the number of fish.

a very thorough study of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation announced that only 5% of the plastic produced in the world is currently recycled.

40% of the produced plastic is recycled, 33% ends up in the seas causing considerable damage to the ecosystem.

in the oceans were formed real islands of plastic waste that amounted to 270 thousand tons. The plastic that ends up in the seas is then eaten fish and ends in our stomach causing serious problems to our health.

The plastic is certainly polluting and its disposal is a problem that must be addressed and resolved as soon as possible from the most industrialized countries in the world.


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