Sunday, May 15, 2016

Facebook, there is confirmation: the “trend” chosen by humans – BBC

the replica of Zuck

Menlo Park, at this point, you are no longer able to pull back: the number one Mark Zuckerberg intervened on his page to ensure it will shed light on possible manipulations to ensure the integrity of the product. And to invite leading conservatives and the political actors to a meet in the coming weeks: “I want to have a direct comparison of what values ​​it stands for Facebook and how we can ensure maximum openness to our platform.” A helping hand, however, pointing out that he had found evidence of possible misuse, and a very important signal. Zuckerberg knows he must ensure transparency and having to provide further explanations. At the same time anticipates the basis of the defense – what Google has always called Do not be evil : “To do a service to all members of our community, our commitment is to build a platform for all ideas”.

piattoforma or global newsstand?

The Californian giant 1.6 billion users joined in also about a more substantial version – 28 pages – document published by the British magazine. Since both texts it shows that the role dell’algoritimo is marginal compared to that of the editors of the news. The contents, from a thousand sources (including, are selected and managed by importance at that time (if mentioned at least three times by the sources), according to the “correct point of view”, the quality of the picture and the primary source. Not only that, in contrast to the assurances in recent days by a number of Tom Stocky service, it is indicated in the news not considered a priority by the algorithm. When it comes to the so-called breaking news it is understandable to imagine that a team of journalists is quicker than a mathematical formula to identify the timely and verified updates. Different, which is why it has sparked debate, is the general point: Facebook is still a simple technological platform? Or, on the contrary, it is becoming a kind of newspaper? Or rather, a large shrine with lots of editorial and political guideline?

May 13, 2016 (modified May 13, 2016 | 17:46)



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