Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Even Twitter “challenge” the FBI on analytical data: Dataminr inaccessible to intelligence Use – Intelligonews

While Twitter “challenge” the FBI on analytical data: Dataminr inaccessible to intelligence Use

After the tug of war with Apple iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist, new tensions on the horizon between Silicon Valley and US security forces engaged in combating terrorism.

In fact, Twitter has denied the US intelligence agencies access to analytical service Dataminr, used to identify, in real time, the early signals of events such as terrorist attacks or political uprisings. The ban, which was not announced publicly, it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal, which quotes the authoritative source as a senior US intelligence official.

Dataminr is the only external company authorized by Twitter to access to a real-time feed of user’s tweets, a company in which the American company holds a stake of 5 percent and providing analytical studies to external parties. Including US intelligence, which apparently makes use of two years service.

An important and effective tool, one provided by Dataminr, it would be able to “warn” their customers on the terrorist attacks in Paris with an advance of 10 minutes compared to the latest news transmitted by the means of communication generalists.

Before a request for comment, Twitter reminds its policy to prevent third parties, including Datamnir, to sell the data to government agencies for reasons of control.

the decision taken by social networks, follows that of other big technology giants that were claimed from them, scongiurerebbero a result of concern for user privacy.

And the debate in the US is always open between those who believed that security needs must come before the right to privacy of users and others believe that security can not be used as a pretext to access the data criptatyi of each member company with the risk then, the intelligence services can get to make a casual use, almost reckless.


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