Friday, March 4, 2016

The UN is with Apple: “The FBI has another road, or discover the Pandora’s box ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published on March 4, 2016 at 24:56 hours.
the last change is the March 4, 2016 at 13:12.

that being configured between Apple and the FBI is a dense battle of surprises. A battle that does not respect the patterns, allowing for unpredictable situations. The latest stance is to be included in this combination distorted, where a private company becomes the champion of rights and a government agency becomes a dangerous enemy. It is the UN that a few hours ago has issued a note in which the High Commissioner Zeid Raad Al Hussein sided with Apple and against the FBI in San Bernardino each other, which for days has split the American public.

According to the United Nations, the release of the iPhone 5c of Rizwan Syed Farook (killer of the San Bernardino massacre) through a back door that allows to enter the operating system of the device locked, You can “uncover a Pandora’s box that could have very damaging implications for the human rights of millions of people, including their physical and financial security.” It also would pave the way “to authoritarian governments hackers and criminals.” The location of Zeid, in short, leaves little room for doubt, arguing that “encryption and anonymity are needed, promote freedom of expression and opinion, and the right to privacy.” And when asked if, therefore, the UN is against the FBI, the high commissioner responds without hesitation: “The federal deserve full support in the investigation into the killings of San Bernardino, an abominable crime and no accomplice should escape the law. But in this case, – he said – is not just a company and its supporters would attempt to protect criminals and terrorists, but know where to draw the red line that we all need to protect ourselves from criminals and repression. “

According to the UN official position, in fact, the FBI should be supported, but the backdoor way of the iPhone is not actionable, “There are many other ways to investigate whether these assassins had accomplices without forcing Apple create a software to weaken the safety features of their phones, “said Zeid still, convinced that in case Apple were to lose this battle would create” a precedent that could make it impossible to Apple itself, or any other major international telecommunications company to safeguard the privacy of its customers anywhere in the world. ” And this is – bluntly – “a gift potential to authoritarian regimes and the criminal hackers.” Zeid, in closing, he recalled how the encryption tools are “widely used around the world, including human rights defenders, civil society, journalists, whistleblowers and political dissidents who face persecution and harassment.”

32 large companies with Apple
Meanwhile, a few hours ago, thirty-two major companies have officially sided with Apple presenting to the Court asked to rule on the case two distinct motions in favor of the house in Cupertino. Among the signatories of the first document filed there are Amazon, Cisco, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nest, Pinterest, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Yahoo. “The goal – said in a statement Mozilla – is to help the Court understand why it is dangerous to force technology companies to voluntarily compromise their security features.” Another document, signed by other companies (including AirBnB, eBay, Kickstarter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Square and Twitter) calls everyone to be careful: “If the government will prevail in this court case, it will soon be in the future. The government’s motion reassures the Court and the public of the fact that the request submitted refers to a single, special case. But there are strong indications to support the hypothesis that the police will use the authority granted to them by the All Writs Act to completely different events from those of the investigations related to terrorism. ” Silicon Valley on one side, the other Government. The battle has just begun.



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